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Phil boarded the ship with his family and they settled into their shared cabin. The room was bigger and nicer than any Phil had ever slept in before; it had red patterned walls, a wooden writing desk, a small wooden table with two chairs, a red sofa, sinks, and two large beds. Phil jumped on the gigantic bed and his brother, Martyn joined him.

"This is amazing!" Phil laughed with wide eyes.

"I've never seen a room so nice." Martyn smiled.

The two boy's parents smiled at their sons, happy that they could experience luxury for once in their lives.

Their mother began to fix her hair in the mirror. "Don't fall asleep just yet, boys, we're attending a party for the first class passengers tonight."


Dan's family opened the doors to their cabin and took in the room.

"For the price, one would think the beds would be much softer." Dan's father huffed.

Dan's mother nodded in agreement, "Yes, the room is also a bit small don't you think?"

Dan rolled his eyes, he loved his parents but they could be pompous jerks at times. The room, admittedly, was not as nice as his old room, and he did have to share a bed with his younger brother, but there was so much to do on the ship that Dan could enjoy his stay on the Titanic anyways.


Phil brushed through his smooth, black hair one last time and made sure his fringe didn't have any gaps. He didn't usually pay much mind to his looks, but he felt the need to at least look decent for the evening's party.

He noticed his hand shaking slightly and took a deep breath. The party was starting soon and he was noticeably on-edge. He had never been to a formal party before. Would he have to socialize? The only thing Phil could think of that was just as horrifying as socializing was dancing. Dancing was never something Phil would do for any occasion.

Phil took one last look in the mirror and walked out of the cabin before his thoughts could destroy his own self-esteem any further.


When Phil's family arrived at the top deck that the party was being held on, their names were announced at the entrance. The party goers all turned to look at them and clapped. Phil felt important, he had never experienced anything like this before. There were waiters everywhere with trays of food and a live band. The night sky was lit by a full moon and the ship's thousands of lights. He tried to not look as impressed as he felt and he joined his parents who were already introducing themselves to the other passengers.

A few minutes passed and Phil completely zoned out of the conversation his parents had started with an older couple and turned his attention to the environment. 

Phil is looking at the trays of food when he suddenly hears the announcer introduce another family over the band's music. 

"We now humbly welcome the Howell family!" The announcer cheered, enthusiastically. Everyone, including Phil turned to the deck entrance, where the family stood, and clapped. Phil recognized the family as being the same family he had watched leaving an automobile earlier:  the lady in green, the older gentleman,  the younger boy, and one more boy with curly brown hair. 

The brown haired boy stood awkwardly behind his father and kept his eyes trained on the floor. Phil studied the boy's features for reasons unknown to even himself. His hair was slightly messy, his skin had a slight golden tint, and he seemed to be around Phil's age. The boy looked up, finally, and Phil's breath hitched. Phil didn't know why, but he momentarily forgot how to breath. He could hear his heart beating in his ears over the sounds of the band. 

Although Phil could only see the boy's face from the distance, he could still make out a very distinct feature. The boy's eyes were brown, but so soft. So very soft, and...and delicate; Phil had never seen eyes as warm as his. In that moment, he wanted to know everything about the boy with the brown eyes.

What I would give to have those eyes look at me...

"Phil!" Phil's thoughts were interrupted by Martyn, who pulled him towards a small table where his parent's sat. 

"You were doing that thing with your hands and looking into the distance again Phil," Martyn laughed.

Phil nodded, absentmindedly, and sat down, quickly turning around in his chair to look around the deck for the boy with the soft brown eyes and curly brown hair again. Maybe this party wouldn't be so bad after all.

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