Thirteen (The End)

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1912, 18th April (mid-day)

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1912, 18th April (mid-day)


Phil woke up in a cold sweat. The first thing his eyes could make out was the blue sky with scattered white clouds slowly passing over the bright sun. Phil felt a warm sensation on his forehead and look up to see a woman dressed in dark clothing holding what he assumed was a warm wet cloth to his forehead. She pat the cloth around his face a few times a wrung out the cloth in a small bucket before saying anything.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asked in a sweet high voice which reminded him of his mother.

Phil slowly sat up with the help of the sweet older woman.

"Stiff, but I think I'm okay." Phil coughed and looked around. 

He was laying on the floor on a blanket surrounded by at least 30 other people who were all coughing or sleeping. He was on a boat it looked like, one that was much smaller than the Titanic. There were many other people who were walking around looking at the sleeping people. Some people were sitting down crying. Some were hugging each other.

"Where are we? What happened?" Phil asked the woman as she handed him some water to drink. He took a few sips.

"The Titanic sunk, my dear." The woman said solemnly. "This is the Carpathia, the rescue ship. We were all picked up 3 days ago."

Everything came back to Phil in a flurry of images and emotions. The crash. The chaos. The tragedy. The cold. Dan. Where is Dan? Where is my family?

"I was asleep for 3 days?" Phil asked, the woman nodded in response.

"Did anyone come and find me? My parents? A boy about my height with a brown fringe and brown eyes?"

The woman looked around and seemed to find what she was looking for. She told Phil to wait there for one moment as she got up and talked to a man that looked like one of the ship's crew members he nodded to the woman and gave her his clipboard. She returned with it and sat next to Phil again.

"What is your name, dear?" She asked.

"Lester, Phil Lester." Phil replied. He touched his hand to his forehead, he could feel the beginnings of a migraine.

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