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/////////A/N: written in one day so makayla won't fight me. Here's the FINAL ending smol bean/////////////

6 months later...

Phil's uncle's business had finally taken off. The company had made some great stock investments and was doing quite well. Phil's father bought some land not too far from his uncle's property and was in the process of building a home. Meanwhile, Phil had taken weekly trips to the city for acting classes and gigs.

Phil eventually got a lead role in a popular Shakespearean theatre production and, even though it wasn't a moving picture, and his accent was probably what landed him the role, it still made Phil very happy. He decided with his new job that it would be wise to move to the city and that's exactly what he did. He didn't leave his flat much, just for food and work, and he mainly kept to himself. Everything was finally falling into place for Phil.

Even so, of course, he still found his mind to be his own worst enemy when he was lying awake in bed at night. He slept easier now, but sometimes he would pull the note out from the small box he kept under his bed and he would reminisce. However, his thoughts and memories were much more positive now, he knew Dan would have wanted it that way. Sometimes, he would scan the faces of the people he saw walking by on the streets; he wanted, he hoped, that if he wished hard enough he would see Dan's face in the crowds. He often thought about finding Dan's mother just to see how she was doing, but he never had much time because he was preforming twice a day, Monday through Saturday.

Phil had just finished yet another successful evening show. It was his second show of the day and his last show of the week. He was exhausted and ready to sleep through the rest of his weekend. He stood in his dressing room and changed out of his costume and into his normal clothes. He threw his coat and scarf on and went for the door, but stopped when he heard a soft knock.

He continued to open it and saw the stage manager, Lizzy, holding a large bouquet of red roses. Phil did get these nice gifts from time to time, and he was always pleasantly surprised. However, he had never received a bouquet quite so large before, he felt kind of bad because it must have been expensive.

"Nice fans you have." Lizzy smiled, handing the large bouquet, which required both hands to carry, to Phil.

"Wow, I guess so," Phil beamed.

"That's not even all of it." Lizzy wheeled in a small cart filled with assorted bouquets of all kinds of flowers. Phil's jaw dropped, he had never received so many before.

"They're all from the same person. Could you believe it? Must be rich. They're actually waiting out back, would you like me to let them in?" Lizzy asked.

"I was actually heading out anyways, I'll say hello. It's the least I can do. Could I arrange for these to be delivered to my flat?"

"Yeah I'll arrange for it right now. See you Monday Phil."

"See you Monday Lizzy."

Phil set the roses next to all the other flowers and smiled. Someone really appreciated his performance and went through a lot of trouble to show it. He was happy to meet whoever this was.

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