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"The biggest ship in the world, that's what the papers are calling it. They say it measures 269 meters, can you believe that Dan?


...Daniel, honey, are you listening?"

Dan Howell forced his gaze away from the blurring green landscape outside the train window and ran his hands through his brown, semi-curled hair. He wasn't exactly happy this morning as, usually, he would force a hot comb through his hair every morning to straighten his natural curls, but his mother had rushed him to the train before the sun had even peaked over the horizon, giving him absolutely no time to prepare for the day.

He yawned and turned his full attention to his mother who was patiently waiting for an answer.

"Yes Mum, it sounds great. I can't wait to see it."

His mother gave him a content smile and turned her attention back to her knitting. Across from her sat Dan's father and brother, his father was dressed in his usual formal cutaway morning coat and tie and Dan and his brother, Adrian wore similar attire; Dan's mother wore a long velvet green dress with a matching hat that tilted to the left, adorned with flowers. Dan never liked dressing up in formal attire, but his family was wealthy and well-known, so he was forced to dress formally, no matter the occasion.

Dan let his gaze fall back to the train window and watched as the green landscape began to disappear under homes and dirt and the ocean grew closer, as did the Southampton docks. His mind wandered as he imagined what could possibly be so great about New York that would make his parents suddenly want to pack up, leave everyone they knew in England, and move to America. Dan had had enough trouble making friends in school, he had made one best friend, Lara. She was the only person that wasn't snobby like all the other kids in their privileged school and the only person who Dan could totally be himself around. Saying goodbye to Lara wasn't easy, but Dan promised that he would write to her every month once his family reached New York.

Dan jumped in his seat as the train's whistle blew and the train slowly came to a complete stop at the weathered station. He quickly followed his parents out of the train, focusing his gaze on the flowers of his mother's hat. The station was grossly crowded and people made him uncomfortable. He secretly hoped the ship his mother awed over was big enough for him to avoid any social contact in the coming days.

His family makes their way to the city streets, followed by a porter wheeling their luggage in a cart. They all squeeze into a waiting black automobile and the porter throws all their luggage in a second identical automobile.

Dan's father tells the drivers their destination and soon they're off to the docks that housed the boat they would be living on for the next 7 days, the RMS Titanic.


Phil Lester stared wide-eyed at the enormous ship. Never in a million years would he have thought his family would ever be able to afford tickets on the largest ship in the world. Technically, they still could not afford tickets, but his father's brother had moved to America years before and recently came into some money from stocks or something, Phil didn't exactly know, but his uncle was kind enough to buy first class tickets for Phil and his family to sail to New York and help him in his American business exploits. It was an opportunity too good to pass up, so Phil's family used what little money they had to buy one nice outfit each and packed up their belongings; hopefully, no one would suspect they were not part of the wealthy upper class.

Phil adjusted his uncomfortable new tie and eagerly picked up his 2 small bags filled with his favorite belongings and followed his family as the first class passengers began to board the ship.

The crowd was large and Phil immediately felt claustrophobic. To make things worse, he felt like all of the first class passengers knew his family was playing dress up. He felt hundreds of eyes on him and he tried to avoid all eye contact by looking over the crowd- luckily, Phil was tall enough to be able to do so. He watched as two black automobiles drove to the dock and an older man in his mid 40's jumped out and held his hand out to a woman around the same age in a beautiful long green dress with a matching green hat who took it and stepped out. A younger boy, who Phil guessed was their son based on his matching attire to the older gentleman climbed out from the automobile and gave a look of awe towards the ship, just as Phil had been doing only moments before.

Another boy, a bit taller and perhaps older than the previous one, began to step out of the automobile, but Phil could only catch a glimpse of the boy's curly brown hair before he was forced to direct his gaze to his brother, Martyn, as he nudged him forward and the line to board the ship moved ever closer.




a/n -This is my first phanfic I hope I do well ha. I'm sorry if some of the historical facts aren't 100% correct, I've done my best to research and make the story as accurate as I can. I am also trying to decide if I want to write more so in Dan's pov or Phil's pov for future chapters, we'll see. I'm hoping this isn't  total trainwreck haha I already know my grammar is dreadful! 

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