Another day

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That's Alice in the picture above

My name is Alice and today is the first time I will see him again, we only talk a few times. But he never really acknowledge my presence, he's been gone over 1 yr now but it feels like forever. He might be a simple crush, but that doesn't matter.

Anyways I'm so nervous to see him again but also couldn't wait, my friends told me that he's even cuter now than before, you must be wondering how did they know that. well, Kim's mom is friends with his mom. Susan is one of my best friends she has long black hair, a dark brown eye, she full of life and joy. Kim is my other best friend she can be a pain sometimes but I do cherish our friendship dearly, she has short blond hair and green eyes. So there I was in my bed wondering, how much has he change, do his eyes shine as bright as it uses to. While I was in my world, wondering. I hear my mom call out to me from downstairs to get ready for school.

Breaking me from my daydream, I rush out of my bed and into the bathroom. When I finished in the bathroom, I went towards my closet and took out my uniform. Did my hair and went downstairs to greet my lovely family with a smile my mom said: "good morning sleepy head" and so did my dad since I'm the only child I help around the house the best I can.

They're both hard-working parent, mom place my breakfast on the table but I didn't get to eat much as I stare on the watch on my hand and told my parents later and off I went. I opened the door of my car and off I go. Reaching in time, I was greeted By my two best friends we went to our lockers, and there it was these crowd of a person surrounded this tall, black hair, muscle build guy.

Which I couldn't see his face properly, I couldn't wait any longer as I was running late for my class. So I told my friends later and off I go, so I took my seat next to the Window. Because I always love nature it relaxes me in my most troubled times, as I wasn't paying any attention to what was going on in my class as I waited for the teacher.

The classroom suddenly became more noisy than usual so I look towards the crowd and there he was Alexander, I didn't realize I was staring until the teacher came in and everyone finds their seat.

The class was over and I decided to meet up with my friends to have lunch, cause I was kinda avoiding Alexander. There they were at our usual spot, I greet them and then started to eat. Susan look at me and said "soooooooo ?" I look at her in confusion she rolls her eyes and said "don't act like you don't know who I'm talking" and Kim laugh. So I roll my eyes and said: "I didn't talk to him". They both look at me and wondering why, as they were going to question me further.

I was saved by the bell and went to my next class, I took my normal seat by the window. Then I hear someone sit beside me, not moving my glare from the view that I was so enjoying. The person said something but I still didn't pay attention cause normally I don't talk much to my classmate, so I thought it was someone else the person was talking to.

Then the person said something that caught my attention "Alice you haven't change a bit", I turn my head and to my surprise, it was Alexander looking back at me with his deep ocean blue eyes, he suddenly laugh and I wonder to myself why is he laughing. I didn't say anything, I look at him confused. But he bushes it off by asking how have I been, I was too shock to the response.

Cause he was talking to me,

He realizes then clear his throat and I suddenly answered "oh I'm sorry", I laugh shyly then I said, "I've been great". He smiles at me and my heart start beating against my chest like it wanted to escape and forever kept with him in a box for safekeeping. Then a blond hair girl came over and interrupt us as I break from my thoughts of him, I didn't even know her but she was trying to win Alexander over with her plastic smiles and fake personality which could be seen from afar. I don't know where this feeling comes from but I felt angry at how close she was to him, that I got up, and went for a book from my locker that I forgot.

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