✧ Mei Narumiya x Reader ➂

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* ✫ ❚ -ˋˏ✦ˎˊ- ❚ ✫ *

H a s s l e

Another starry night, you and your cousin decided to take a stroll in the nearby park. (Cousin's Name) was staying in your place for a sleepover today. Among your cousins, you are the closest with her and vice versa.

Once arrived in the park, the two of you were scanning the area. It was dark and windy, stars visible in every part of the skies, and there was barely anyone in the park.

At the same time, you two saw something that made you both uttered, "Oh!" as if surprised about something. You were facing right while (Cousin's Name) was facing in front. Unknown to you at this moment, she was looking at a famous guy in front of you two.

The guy was clearly asked for pictures and autographs by a plethora of girls. He was spouting something and turning them down in a fuming manner.

Your cousin tugged your sleeve, earning your attention. "Look, (First Name)! Isn't that the great Mei Narumiya of Inashiro?" She exclaimed in a happy tone almost squealing as she started spouting something about the Prince of the Capital and whatnot that you didn't bother listening about.

"Huh?" you scanned the vicinity in front of you, failing to see him beforehand.

You squint your eyes as it was fairly dark and without your eyeglasses, you could barely see much. 

"Hmm, is he...?" Unsure, you can see a figure a few feet away from you with a dim light near them.

'That a phone?'

The dim light was coming from different cell phones. Then, it hit you that it was really him there. 

'What's he doing here? This is near Seidou quite a distance from Inashiro Industrial. Why's he here?'

"Hmm, it is really him," you confirmed, shrugging at the discovery. "Never mind him, look!" Beaming with excitement and happiness as you pointed at the customized car in your right. "It's Naruto!!"

The something that had your attention for a while now was this, a parked car that has Naruto and Sasuke's faces as its exterior design.

"I wonder who owns it?" you were fawning over the customized car. 

"You really..." your cousin trailed off purposely as she gave you a 'What-a-weirdo' look.

As if on time, the baseball ace pitcher walked past you in your view, blocking your sight of the customized car.

'It is really him.'

You don't pay any attention to any sports at all, scratching baseball on the list. It's just there was this time when you happened to be sitting beside a television and to a mere coincidence, Mei Narumiya was on, saying something in the lines of "I wouldn't be here without the help of my teammates..."

"You're not really into guys like him, are you?"

"Haha... I prefer 2D guys, thank you."

His ear animatedly grew larger as (Cousin's Name) words sunk inside his brain.

"No, we aren't the same! Don't compare us!" Narumiya exclaimed, facing you.

By this point in time, you two are glaring at each other, lightning tracing the line of sight.

"Well, I could have sworn I didn't say anything like that though? Did you hear me comparing?"

"Wait— you know each other?" (Cousin's Name) asked you.

"NO!" You denied quickly.

"SADLY!" Narumiya answered right after immediately.

"What's going on?" (Cousin's Name) asked, tilting her head in confusion.


"Hey, that's rude (First Name)-chan," Narumiya complained, crossing his arms with a gruff.

"Tch," you clicked your tongue in annoyance.

"Oh, how did you two met?" A devious smirk forming on her lips as she inquired.

"It's not what you're thinking, (Cousin's Name). Remember I attended Inashiro at first? Although I transferred to Seidou immediately afterward? That," you said, crossing your arms.

"Really now?" (Cousin's Name) asked.

Seeing that you have no intention to respond now, "Hey, (First Name)-chan, aren't you going to introduce me?" Narumiya asked.

You rolled your eyes, "Mei, this is (Cousin's Name), my cousin. And yeah, you two get it."

The two talked, introducing themselves properly after you introduced them to each other. It would seem like they get along rather well. Great. 

"(First Name)-chan and I attended the same middle school as well! Though it makes me wonder why she transferred to Seidou all of the sudden?" Narumiya asked casually.

"That's because—" As your cousin was about to answer Narumiya's question, her phone rang signaling for a call, she answered it after excusing herself.

"WHAT?! WHY? WHERE? I'LL GO! WAIT, SHIT. NO WAY! FINE FINE, WAIT FOR ME." With that, they hang up the call. "Sorry, something came up. (First Name) and Mei-kun, I'll go ahead, oh— it's just something about (Favorite band)..." She said as she disappeared into nothingness.

"That's just what I need! (Favorite band)'s songs," you said sarcastically as you hated (favorite band) simply because (Cousin's Name) loves them. That meant unfortunately that you can't go back home just yet.

"...How are you, (First Name)-chan?" Narumiya asked, watching you. 

You glared at the ace pitcher of Inashiro, "You look like shit. Is that the current style now?" Instead of answering his question, here you were mocking him just like usual. 

"Like shit!? How come? I don't even remember looking like you."

"You say that as if it's a bad thing," you smirked. 

"You're right, it's not. At least we can look ugly together." 

"You can look ugly alone, thank you very much." 

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