Johnlock: Take Care

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So, I went to Google and searched up Johnlock (please someone pray for me. I saw a picture of them...yknow) of course, I knew something was going to happen after I saw a picture of Robin and Batman...yknow and it has frightened for life. Now, I leanred my lesson and I won't do that ever again. But I tried the second time and searched up Johnlock fluff. Now they were all fluffy and stuff but I couldn't find a good picture until I saw a picture of a great one shot! So enjoy and yeah. :D 


"Sherlock, I don't think this is necessary."

"I don't care, John. You're hurt."

"Yes, I know that, but people are looking at us."

"You don't want them to look?"

"Why would I want them to look? I'm a grown man who is being carried by another grown man!"

"But you're hurt."

John groaned and relaxed as they finally got inside their house. John didn't like the attention of many people because it made him feel small. He just wanted to check if his ankle was broken or not and sleep so he won't have to wake up. Sherlock and John were working on a case when a random man pushed John, twisting his ankle. The man was no other than the killer they were searching for. Sherlock called him an idiot for showing himself but glad that he can go home and experiment more. Sherlock dropped him on John's bed, standing above him, breathing heavily.

"Is there anything I should do?" Sherlocked asked hopefully. He hated to see John in pain. John sat up and took off his shoe and then his sock.

"No, I'm fine, thank you." John moved his ankle and hissed in pain. Sprained. At least it was better than broken ankle. "Matter of fact, I need an elastic bandage and an ice bag," John ordered.

Sherlock nodded, rushing out of the room and grabbing what John ordered. As John waited,  he looked around his room filled with empty and colorless walls. He felt lika  prision. He missed his wife dearly, but he knew he had to move on. He just didn't know how to. A few minutes later, Sherlock came back with the materials including a cup of hot tea.

"Sherlock, I didn't ask for-"


"But Sherlock you don't have to-"



"Oh for god sake, John, this isn't a experiment. I'm helping you."

Sherlock moved so he could take off John's winter coat and wrapped a warm blanket on his shivering body. John pulled the blanket closer to him and grabbed the tea from Sherlock's hands. Their fingers touched a few seconds, stopping Sherlock's breath. John took a few sips, watching Sherlock wrap the bandage on his ankle and doing it quickly but gently. Whenever John hissed, Sherlock would go slower and slower.

"You didn't have to do this for me," John muttered. Sherlock glanced through his curly black hair as he wrapped the bandage a second round.

"I wanted to. No, I needed to."




Sherlock stopped ran his cold fingers on the bandage. "Don't make me say it."

John was beyond confused. Sherlock became shy, quiet, and touchy around him. He didn't mind since they were best friends, partners, roommates, whatever you call them. But he became more and more kind and less rude. John carssed his cheek and gave him a smile. "I'm fine and you are too. I can take care of myself."

"That's the problem. I'm not fine. I sometimes think you're going to leave me and not let me take care of you because I insult everything in sight."

"You insult me."

"You're different, John."

John raised an eyebrow and took another sip from his tea. "Sherlock, what are you talking about? I will never leave you. You're my best-"

Sherlock slammed his lips on John, almost dropping the tea. John gasped and felt Sherlock smile, pulling him closer by his waist. John finally dropped the tea and held Sherlock by his shoulders. Sherlock pulled away but kept their faces close to them. Their foreheads and nose were touching, their breathing mixing together.

"I'm guessing we're not best friends anymore," John whispered. staring at the floor.

Sherlock chuckled and put his index finger on his cheek. "You guessed right."

They both chuckled and Sherlock held onto him a little longer.



"I have to pee."

Sherlock laughed and let go of John. John tried standing but he end up falling back on the bed. He was going to give up when he felt a slender arm wrap his waist. He looked up and saw his best friend holding him. "I need to take of you, John." John smiled and let Sherlock carry him on his back.

As days passed, Sherlock kept his need and it brought happiness and more love to John. 


I hope you enhoy this this mini one shot! I really love Sherlock and John because they are two different people and their eyes to work with. Anywho, if I should make more, just vote, comment, and follow! :D 

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