Chapter 3: The art class

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"She prides herself on her beautiful heart, but even the most kind and caring have a breaking point. He was about to find out how beastly a beauty can be."
-Leo Christopher
Zoe's POV

I'm sitting in my university art class.

Miss Granger enters the class just before the piercing sound of the bell is heard, signalling break hour is over.

"Settle down, everyone," she says and the noises become a soft murmur here and there.

"I am very excited about what today's lesson will, " she gets cut off by the door swinging open and guess who walks in?

The man himself, Mr popular, every girl's cup of tea. Harry Styles.

"Sorry I'm late, miss Granger. Had some car trouble," he explains and flashes her his infamous dimpled smile, perfect pearly teeth and all.

I see a light pink tinge on miss Granger's cheeks after he does that. This guy knows exactly how to play the ladies. If miss Granger can even be considered one.

She smiles back and excuses him to his seat. Did I mention he sits right next to me? Did I also mention how I hate that he sits right next to me? No? Ok, well now you know.

Everyone's eyes follow him through the room. I swear these people have great neck muscles after following his movements on a daily basis. Girls giggle as he flashes them a smirk or gives a small greeting while walking by their seats. It's like their brains malfunction when brown curls, green eyes and dimples are spotted by their eyes. No one knows why the average slūt's brain is programmed this way. Scientists and computer geeks around the world are truly stunned and amazed by how stupid this species is.

He takes his seat, turns his head to me and smiles as a greeting. I roll my eyes in response. Our conversation and his flirtatious comments from earlier coming to my mind and I get even more annoyed at him. Who knew that was possible?

Miss Granger speaks again, "As I was saying, I am extremely excited about today's lesson." She walks around her desk, picks up a vase and places it on the table. She then proceeds to pick up the vase and smash it. That takes me by surprise. Everyone gasps and some girls even scream. So loud that they probably broke the sound barrier.

Miss Granger smiles and looks at our expressions with amusement written on her face.
"Today you will all have to create art from broken vases like the one I just destroyed."

Annoyed I speak up, "What's the point? It's broken, it doesn't have a purpose anymore."

Everyone, including Harry next to me, looks at me. I'm surprised for the second time in 5 minutes when he is the one who answers me.

"Just because it's broken or maybe even considered ugly in its brokenness, doesn't mean you can't create something beautiful from it. It just needs the right care. Someone who knows what to do with it. It needs the right artist."

What a load of crap that just came out of his mouth. Crap supposed to come out of your ass, not your mouth, Styles!

"What the hell!?" I start laughing really loudly. This is bloody funny. "Did that seriously just come out of your mouth?" I ask him and then start laughing again. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I am. How should I know?

"What do you mean?" He asks, sounding a bit hurt but actually looking confused. I start laughing again.

"Styles, you don't really believe that shīt, do you?"

"Actually, yes I do."

"No, you don't! You're just trying to sound poetic in front of everyone so these girls, with shīt for brains, will play with your flute!" I spit at him.

Humor flashes across his face at my statement but suddenly his features harden.

"Who are you to tell me what I do or do not believe?" He asks, sounding irritated.

"I'm not telling you, I know it!"

"Oh yeah? How so?" He asks with a smug look on his face.

I'm furious. I swear I'm gonna explode and he's smug expression just released it all.

"Because anyone that you don't find appealing to the eye is worthless in yours! It always has been," I seethe. " You cast aside what you don't like and treat people like crap for not looking or behaving like you do! And now suddenly a broken vase is beautiful to you?" I ask incredulously. How can he say a broken vase is beautiful but when it comes to me, an actual person, was never seen as such by him? Am I seriously worth less than a broken vase which has no purpose anymore?

"Screw you, Harry." I finish with tears in my eyes. I pack up my stuff to leave the classroom as I feel all eyes on me. I couldn't care less. As soon as I have all my stuff I leave. I hear someone call after me but I don't know who and I don't care why.

I exit the university grounds, sobbing my eyes out. I am like that vase, broken, yet worth less than it.

Harry's POV

I'm sitting in the art class, absolutely stunned. I have no idea what just happened or rather I have no idea why. I don't understand why Zoe hates me so much. Since I met her at the begging of the year she has despised me. Most girls can't wait for me to even look at them but Zoe doesn't want to see my face at all.

"Have I lost my charm?" I ask myself but when I look up and every girl in the room is staring at me with heart eyes, I know that isn't the case.

Seeing her this morning was absolutely awesome. Those stupid girls were staring at me but when I looked around, I spotted Zoe. She looked incredible in her jeans, t-shirt and sneakers. Effortlessly gorgeous and her ass...don't even get me started. It looked like an art piece in those jeans. How many times have I jerked off to the image of that ass rubbing against me? Too many to count. This girl was the sexiest woman I have ever seen and she didn't even know it.

She hates me. She just went off on me about how I can't see beauty in things. That can't be true because she's the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on, so my eyes clearly work. What did I do to her that made her feel this way towards me?

I always have fun with her. Our bickering is just the best. She's so smart and always corrects me when I err or shoots back with a witty comment when I'm being annoying. At first when I met her I thought these little fights were flirty until I realised that she actually just doesn't like me and I've never figured out why. We just met this year and I don't recall going too far in our little spats but something about me bothers her, apparently. Maybe she's a lesbian.

Nah. She doesn't give off that vibe. But how is she then not interested in me? I mean, I'm not trying to sound egotistical but girls usually want me.

She had tears in her eyes and looked absolutely distraught. And when she looked at me like that, I broke. I broke like the vase at the front of the room. She looked at me with utter pain and I felt it. I had caused that pain. But I don't know when or how. And if I want to get to know her, then my stupid ass has to figure it out.

That's exactly what I'm gonna do. So to start I jump up and try calling after her but by the time I reach the door she's gone. No where in sight.

Good? Bad? Let me know.
I also want to start updating regularly so which day do you guys prefer:
Thursday,  Friday or Saturday?

PS new cover...yay


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