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Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi
~ origin: Japanese
To repair with gold. The Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum.
It is often said that the pottery is stronger after using this method

~ origin: Greek
A picture or pattern produced by arranging small, broken pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc.

Zoe's POV

I'm sitting in my university art class. At the back of course. There's still five minutes left before class starts. Young adults are making noise all around. Hushed tones of girls in short skirts and low cut tops as guys they find attractive walk through the door. The occasional whistle or catcall of a jock to the girls with short skirts and low cut tops previously mentioned followed by the fake-shy giggles of said girls.

Why must I be associated with these idiots?

Miss Granger enters the class just before the piercing sound of the bell is heard, signalling break hour is over. I know she shares the same surname as the beautiful Hermione Granger from Harry Potter but she looks more like Nanny McPhee, before all the beautiful transformations.

"Settle down, everyone," she says and the noises become a soft murmur here and there.

"I am very excited about what today's lesson will, " she gets cut off by the door swinging open and guess who walks in?

The man himself, Mr popular, every girl's cup of tea. Harry Styles.

"Sorry I'm late, miss Granger. Had some car trouble," he explains and flashes her his infamous dimpled smile, perfect pearly teeth and all.

I see a light pink tinge on miss Granger's cheeks after he does that. This guy knows exactly how to play the ladies. If miss Granger can even be considered one.

She smiles back and excuses him to his seat. Did I mention he sits right next to me? Did I also mention how I hate that he sits right next to me? No? Ok, well now you know.

Every girl's and even some boys' eyes follow him through the room. I swear these people have amazing neck muscles after following his movements on a daily basis. Some girls giggle as he flashes them a smirk while walking by their seats, others let out a sort of squeal when he gives a small greeting. One time a girl fainted after Styles greeted her. It's like their brains malfunction when brown curls, green eyes and dimples are spotted by their eyes. Why must I own female genitals and be associated with these girls?

He takes his seat, turns his head to me and smiles as a greeting. I roll my eyes in response and face forward.

Miss Granger speaks again, "As I was saying, I am extremely excited about today's lesson." She walks around her desk, picks up a vase and places it on the table. She then proceeds to pick up the vase and smash it. That takes me by surprise. Everyone gasps and some girls even scream. So loud that they probably broke the sound barrier.

Miss Granger smiles and looks at our expressions with amusement written on her face.
"Today you will all have to create art from broken vases like the one I just destroyed."

Annoyed I speak up, "What's the point? It's broken, it doesn't have a purpose anymore."

Everyone, including Harry next to me, looks at me. I'm surprised for the second time in 5 minutes when he is the one who answers me.

"Just because it's broken or maybe even considered ugly in its brokenness, doesn't mean you can't create something beautiful from it. It just needs the right care. Someone who knows what to do with it. It needs the right artist."

A/N That was the prologue everyone. I'm working on chapter one already. Updates will not happen according to a schedule, I will update as soon as I can.
Any resemblance between my story and another is purely coincidental.

Let me know what you think of it?
Are you excited to read some more?
Please let me know if someone copies my work.

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