Chapter 6: A close encounter

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"You don't love someone for their looks or their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear."
~ Oscar Wilde
Zoe's POV

I'm so bloody tired. After witnessing what I did yesterday, my dreams were filled with a picture of Harry and what he was doing. I mean my nightmares, my nightmares were filled with a picture of Har...oh, who am I kidding. So I had a sexual dream about Harry? A very pleasing and satisfying dream about my tormentor. Sue me. Many girls probably did but the difference between them and me is that I will not act on it.

I woke up feeling extremely horny after that incredible dream I have to admit. And I don't understand it at all. How can someone who has never had sex crave for it like an addict who wants another hit? How can someone who despises any sexual acts, want it more than a dog wants bacon?

I shake my head a little as if I could physically shake the thoughts from my mind as I walk along the campus grounds. I take a look ahead of me and look at what can only be described as perfection. Large trees line the long walkway as far as the eye can see. And because winter is coming, autumn colours are blooming bright. Yellows, reds, oranges, brown and some green leafs decorate the trees and I fall in love.

I've always preferred cold weather above warm weather. I enjoy reading under a blanket with a hot cup of whatever I decide to drink that day. I know it sounds like a cheesy tumblr picture but I don't look like a model when I'm doing this. I'm not wearing the latest fashion or have my hair looking perfect and my makeup on fleek. No, I prefer comfortable clothing or even fluffy pajamas with my dog slippers on my feet and my hair going in more directions than a lunatic tumble dryer.

And rain, I absolutely adore the rain. I can't decide whether it is because it reminds me of cleansing, washing away the dirt and readying the earth for new life, or because it was always there with me, crying along with me when he had decided it was time for another session. The rain has always been a great companion to me, a friend who Harry Styles couldn't chase away from me.

Speaking of the devil himself, I spot him walking my way and curse myself silently when I notice how good he looks walking my way in a navy coat with golden buttons and trees surrounding his presence and shielding the world out from this walkway. He looks like a Disney prince.

Damn him and his supernatural good looks.

He looks so cute with an apologetic look on his face and his pouty pink lips and I seriously need to stop these thoughts.

"Zoe," he sighs, and even the way he says my name has me weak, "I'm sorry about yesterday." He finishes.

It's ok puppy eyes, you're forgiven, I think to myself but keep a poker face on.

"Hey, you can go all turkey jerky to a picture of my sister all day long, as long as I don't have to see it or even know about it." I cringe and I know my face must be looking sour right about now.

"I wasn't," he says and I shoot him a dead panned look.

"You don't have to lie about it. I know you don't really pay attention to people like me but if you can recall, I was there and I saw you and your..." I trail off, my eyes subconsciously moving down his front.

When I look back up he is smirking. I'm gonna guess that he noticed me staring, yeah no I don't have to guess, he definitely noticed me ogling him like the last slice of pizza. But his smirk is quickly replaced with sincerity.

"No, I mean I was doing," he clears his throat and a small blush creeps up his neck as he clarifies, " that, I just meant I wasn't doing it to a picture of your sister."

Silence stretches between us and he clears his throat again before silently adding, "I was maybe kinda watching you sorta shower and HE," he looks down at his pants, "decided it was showtime." He's looking down but his eyes travel to mine and now he's staring at me from under his lashes.

A small ounce of relief and pride starts bubbling inside me when I think about the fact that I caused the events from last night. It's my turn to clear my throat in an attempt to try and mask the small smirk that got passed my demeanor. Zoe got it going on.

He notices and quickly his expression turns to cöckyness, "Wait a second. Zoe, do you want my P in your V?" He asks with a self righteous smirk plastered across his stupid face.

I must be redder than an Irishman who has been in the sun all day.

"I didn't...You were...We can't," I stutter out but finally settle for a "Pfft, no."

Smooth, Lane. Real smooth.

He slowly leans in with a serious look in his dilated pupils and brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. His fingertips dancing across the skin of my neck and suddenly oxygen doesn't exist for me anymore. His head is next to mine and his lips tickle the shell of my ear as he huskily whispers, "Don't worry, Lane. I want that too."

Can humans become liquid? I think so, cause that's what I was right about then. His form retracts from me and a shudder runs down my spine.

I hadn't even noticed that my eyes had closed on their own accord, traitors, but when I open them again, Harry is smiling down at me.

"You watched me in the shower and just told me? You do realise you just admitted to a hugely perverted act," I try to sound indifferent but it comes out as a small squeak.

"And do you realise you just admitted to liking my hugely perverse act," he smugly replies.

"I said no such thing." I am becoming defensive now.

"But that sexy little body of yours did," he winks and starts walking away, leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened and why am I so affected by everything that ass says or does.

There's the long awaited update. I'm so sorry for keeping everyone waiting. I feel like I'm just giving empty promises of updates and such to you but that's not the case.
I'm really really really really really sorry for keeping everyone waiting but life's been tough. I got an ear infection and my younger sister got sick and my older sister and her boyfriend were in a car accident that ended with both cars being totalled.

Don't worry everyone involved is alive and ok and I know that this long awaited chapter is really short but imma update again this week so stay tuned.

So, thoughts on the chapter?

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