Chapter 4: The value of a vase

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"What I went through, happened.
Who I was, existed.
I needed my past and I needed my mistakes to get me where I am now." ~Unknown
Zoe's POV

After I left the university grounds, crying, I went to the park. The weather was very chilly and the cold breeze caused the tip of my nose and my cheeks to turn slightly pink. I just sat on a bench. Watching people. Not judging but just observing. Not a lot of people know this but I like to just sometimes sit and observe people. It sounds creepy, I know, but it's surprising how much you can see of what people are going through or feeling when you just take the time to look. People sometimes just needs someone who is willing to look deeper than the surface.

I probably look like the most calm person on the planet. Sitting on a bench in the park as the subtle noises of nature try to soothe the storm in my head. My thoughts are running wild and I'm not as calm as I look. If someone were willing to look deeper they would see that I'm struggling. I don't know why Harry's words always bother me so much. I can usually shrug any asshôle's comment off, but I guess since we used to be friends sort of, it hits deeper than it should.

I just can't believe he would say a broken object is beautiful but all through my school years he and his friends degraded me. I am broken because of them and I'm still not beautiful. I hate that I put so much effort into myself to prove them wrong yet his remarks still hurt deeply. I am like that vase. He put cracks in me after what he did and maybe I could have been repaired if the right person came along. But instead Harry did and shattered me completely.

Unrepairable. Worthless. Broken.

And even though I'm broken, Harry still sees more beauty in a broken object than in me. I don't even care. I know I'm worthless. I've always known it. I've been told so before. I don't have many friends because I can't do anything right. My relationships with people never work. And I'm the common denominator, this I know.

All these horrible thoughts were running through my head when it lightly started to rain. I've always liked the rain, for the same reason I like showers. No one can see your tears. Small droplets started wetting my clothes. Droplets running over my skin, making a cold path where they went. I tried to concentrate on how cold my skin felt rather than the cold thoughts creating a storm in my head when...


I turned my head to the right and there he was. The Greek god that has created the very storm swirling in my head. He was wearing a black coat over a white t-shirt with his hair in a bun. He looked absolutely amazing and that made me cry more. A very unattractive sob escaped my lips and Harry's face twisted with concern.

"Zoe, what's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you sitting in the rain alone?"

"Would it be better to sit in the rain with someone else?" I sarcastically asked.

He smirked a little but his expression turned concerned again.

"No, that's not what I meant. You could get sick. You shouldn't be sitting in the rain. You should go home. Where'd you park your car? I'll walk you to it."

He sounded really caring and that made me feel even worse.

"Why are you here, Harry?"

"Well, I like walking in the park. Nature's sounds always calms me and helps me think about life. Mother Nature's touch is soothing. She's the only woman who actually helps me sort stuff out and calm down." He smoothly replies with a small smile. This causes me to let out a small giggle.

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