1:The Heart Wants What It Wants

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Sharon was here again. SHIELD agents had been brought back in here since the Avengers split. They should've just founded another SHIELD and not done this 'clubbing them with the avengers' bullshit. I hated working with these nut jobs, especially ones like Sharon.

I never understood that girl, probably because she was useless and worked for the government. Or UN. Or the Organization which made me eat my words while they  arrested half of the avengers and made Nick Fury send me on billions of 'let's try to make fully grown, egotistical men who fought a literal war friends again' missions. It wasn't her fault but still..

"Romanoff!" She called, walking towards me.
I sighed.

"Agent 13." I smiled.
"I'm Sharon, actually. I just came to ask you for a little help."

Why was she acting so informal? As for help, I'd barely spoken to her. And I knew the type of help these people would want. If you wanted girl- advice the potted plant would be more helpful.

"It's about Steve. Do you know where he is?"

Okay so it was girl advice but I had a feeling I might be better at 'Steve talk'.

"Steve as in Captain?" I clarified. Why did she care?

"Well, yes." She blushed.

Blushed? Why was she blushing? The whole thing made absolutely no sense.

"I have no idea." I replied. I didn't actually know where he was but tbh I wasn't too worried.

"Well if you find out, please let me know." She turned to leave when I grabbed her arm.

"Why?" I was confused. I  still didn't see the connection between her and cap.

"Well, before he left.." Her face was now tomato- red and she was wringing her fingers. "We kissed."

"What?" I spat out. I couldn't believe it. Steve had kissed her? Sh*ron? At that moment I felt like slapping the blonde in front of me. And 'steve'. Why would he kiss her? It didn't add up. I felt like I was about to burst with rage, animosity and something I couldn't really put my finger on.

I realised she was still here, while I stood there turning purple. Not trusting to let myself speak,  I pushed her away and began to walk. I walked down corridors and passages, through board rooms and meetings. No one dared to stop me. Messing with an angry black widow was the last thing you should do.

The whole thing didn't make sense to me. Captain Rogers trusted few and loved even fewer. He couldn't have kissed her, there had to be a mistake.  He had told me he wasn't ready to move on so why would he..?

My pulse was racing and my face was grim. But inside my anger had turned into sadness. An air of melancholy surrounded my heart while one of  hatred surrounded my body. If I ever met Sharon again, I would tase her ass.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice I'd walked into Stark's office. It was empty of course, as it usually was. His projects were closed and the office looked lonely and forlorn.

I sat down on one of his plush chairs, my hands in my head. I needed to think but I couldn't. My Mission was failing, my life was a mess and here on of the few people I trust was kissing his dead love's  Niece?

"Concentrate Natalia." I reprimanded. "Which one can you fix?"

As if answering my question, Stark's hi-tech landline began to ring. I waited for it to stop it for someone to pick it up, but nothing happened. It just continued ringing.

"Shut up!" I yelled at the phone . It replied with an apologetic beep. Voicemail.

And then another phone started to ring. I got up to investigate, and found Stark's mobile ringing loudly. I checked the number to see if it matched the landline. Sure enough it did. I couldn't pick it up, so I waited for that to go into voice mail too.

At least it had shut up. I groaned as I tried to think. But now, something else was on my mind. Curiosity got the better of me. I hit the button to hear the message.

"Stark... Tony..." I was in shock. I dropped the receiver. I knew that voice anywhere.

It was Steve Rogers but not the Steve we knew. This Steve sounded... broken. Almost hurt. My heart immediately began to ache. Steve needed someone.

He was the type of person who was be calm and poised on the outside and always battle ready but I knew he'd be easy to break on the inside. And for some reason I didn't scorn that as I usually would.

I had to help him.

I didn't bother listening to the rest of the message. It was probably an apology or something.

Instead I began to work. I punched in the area code while trying to find a plane. I knew Barton had one but he wouldn't lend it to me for no particular reason. Especially when I was flying to ... Wakanda?

This was fucked up. No person would lend me a plane to fly to a country only Howard Stark and his Son knew. Except...

I knew what to do. I grabbed my keys, jacket and wallet and ran down to my car. This wasn't an emergency or something but I liked moving fast. It made me feel useful. I hopped into my car and called Nick Fury.

"Romanoff." He had picked up on the second ring.

"Director I need a plane."

"Really? Do you mind economy?"
That little shit. He knew I couldn't fly outside the country since I literally had no passport. At least not anymore.

"I need to fly to Fiji."

"The Fiji islands? What for?"

"You did give me a mission, Nick."

"Reuniting the Avengers. Who's in Fiji?"

"Banner." I smiled. My memory was actually very good. "You told me that yourself."

"We aren't sure of it." He began but I cut him off.

Of course. Nor was I. And honestly, I knew Dr. Banner would come back, he always did.

"That's why I'm going alone. If I find Banner, our job becomes easier. We won't have to fight him. I won't have to fight him." I made my tone a little emotional. I knew Fury hated it when anyone was emotional.

"Okay I'll send Barton with you."

"No!" I yelled into the receiver. Barton would never agree to my plan. He'd probably split on me and ruin everything.

"I'm the only one who can control the hulk. I'm the only one who should go." Fury couldn't argue with this.

"You can pick one up at noon tomorrow."
I smirked.

The black widow always got what she wanted.

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