7: Plane- talk

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The only thing more annoying than flying Captain America to battle without an actual plan is when the battle is near the North Pole in the middle of winter.

"What do we do when we reach there?" He paced around the quintjet.

"We map out the base. Then we track the vehicles that go in and out of it." I recited. I was bored by this. Battles never went according to plan but I still bore with Steve's constant drill mainly because that made him feel better.

"Good. And about your woollens?" He asked.

"We crash land in target and you run in and get me some fur jackets and reindeer horns."

"Good." He said causing me to smirk. His mind was not into this so I didn't know why he was trying so hard.

"Wait.. No. That's not right." As what I said dawned on him he began to glare at me. " We are not crash landing anywhere Natasha. And I'm not choosing furs for anyone. Also why do you need reindeer horns?"

"So I can cosplay as Loki." I dead panned causing him to laugh.

We sat silently for a while. I was flying the plane with a tiny bit of help from some AI Stark had on all his jets. I wasn't too worried about Stark tracking us down as he was still not over what had happened.

"It's a nice defence mechanism." Steve said, coming up from behind me.

"What?" I asked, as I entered the locational settings of all the HYDRA bases I knew. If there were any we would fly over, I was planning on hacking into their systems and blowing the place up.

"Sarcasm." He replied as he peered into the screen.

"Hm." I grunted as I started finding other bases in SHIELD's files and other bases.

Steve continued peering into my screen. I was now feeling kind of bad for him. It must suck, not knowing what was going on. Maybe Steve didn't feel that way but I was too used to being on the top of things.

"Can you fly a jet?" I asked.

"Well, considering the fact that the last time I flew a jet, I crashed into the Atlantic.. No." He said tearing his eyes away from the screen.

"Come here, I'll teach you." I offered.

"Flying a jet? Isn't that what JARVIS does?" Steve laughed.

"Okay firstly, it's FRIDAY. And secondly, yeah I'm not really flying right now so it'd be a waste."

"So much for team bonding." Steve smiled.

And then I hit a match. We were flying over a HYDRA base, which was under an abandoned military base.

"Gotcha." I smirked as I began typing. The code went on and on till I finally managed to override the system and access the database directly.

I quickly copied the data onto a drive and searched for the words "winter" and "Barnes".

No results.

Maybe even "Zola."

No results.

Alrighty. "Scan for civilians."

"Yes miss Romanoff." Was the reply. After half a second the computer beeped. No civilians.

I took a deep breath and hit the button.

Immediately four bomb shells were dropped from the jet. They blew up the base, sending smoke way above the clouds.

"Base destroyed." Said the AI.

"Thanks." I muttered, turning to face Steve.

"Is this your plan?" He asked looking shell shocked. "Blow everything up?"

I felt a pang of sadness. The shocked expression would slowly turn to disgust, I knew it. The black widow was returning no matter how much Natasha Romanoff tried to stop her.

But I didn't know why I cared. A lot of people had looked at me that way, so why did Steve make it feel a million times worse?

"There were no civilians captain." I said, meeting his gaze. "If you want Bucky safe, you need to agree to this, whether you like it or not." I folded my arms and stood there.

Instead of being righteously rude, he began to laugh. And not just the little smirks and laughing eyes but the gasping for air type laughing.

He had taken it so calmly. I couldn't believe he'd laughed at that, if someone had been as stubborn as I was, they would've been dead by now.

"Why don't you think I'd agree to that?" He asked, after he'd calmed down. "You're forgetting I started a civil war for Bucky, you think I care about Hydra. Let them rot in hell." He said his eyes turning hard.

"Not in hell, captain, that's were I'm going." I said unconsciously. I was so used to putting down myself mentally, but I'd never said it aloud.

"Hell?" His eyes were teasing. "What place does an angel have in hell?"

I couldn't believe my ears. Never in my life had I been given a place in heaven, but here I was offered one by a permanent resident.

But everyone knows I don't deserve it. I am the black widow for a reason and my past actions were giving me hell on earth.

"It's not for me." I lowered my eyes.

"Well then, it's not for me either." He said coming and standing next to me. An act of friendship for a joke.

"Shut up." I smiled lightly as I pushed his shoulder. "We're over Switzerland now, we'll have to stop to refuel. Do you want to go skiing?" I asked teasingly.

"I can't ski." He muttered, ashamed.

"Well good thing I can't either. We'll learn together, how hard could it be?" It was true. Skiing wasn't a very deadly sport, so the black widow had no necessity to learn it.

"You can't do something?" He smirked. "What would the Red Room say?"

My heart stopped at the mention of the Red Room. Now that I had accepted that I was still a member of the Red Room, I was trying to change my ways as if that would help me gain forgiveness.

But this was just making it worse. Every comment seemed to hurt a little more, every teasing jab from someone I trusted.

And after what Tony had said...


I was snapped out of my reverie . Steve was looking at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry. Shouldn't have said it."

He didn't do it intentionally. My demons were my problem, there was nothing he could do.

"That's okay Rogers. Now let's get this thing landed so we can get to some old- fashioned revenge."

He smiled a bit too..

"Well not old- fashioned for you." I smirked.

Wow. I've been planning this scene for months. A tiny glimpse into the scary- ass Nat and sassy Steve. Also I don't really know why I'm making Steve sassy but my reasoning is that Steve really wants Nat to like him and he feels he isn't enough so he's trying to be like the people he's seen her flirt with. So he's kinda confused when he hurts her and is always so apologetic.

Also how would a Steve PoV be?

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