2: A Royal Welcome- Complete With Guns

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This was the first time Natasha Romanoff had made a decision based on her emotions and she was hating it. Her emotions were not supposed to play a part anywhere, yet they had here.

The whole time in the Quintjet, a tiny voice kept telling me to go back, because Steve Rogers was ready to forgive and forget and would gladly join the avengers. It told me that if the avengers had to be ready to face whatever Thor gave us, we'd have to get Stark. Which was pretty impossible since Stark trusted me even less since I let Bucky and Steve go.

After four hours of mind wrestling with myself, I decided to listen to my head. It usually kept me alive and safe. If that word still applied to me.

I had just enough fuel to get back to Washington. But before that, I needed Fury to keep my ass away from authorities, once I reached.

"Romanoff." A cheerful voice said.

"Fury." I replied. "I'm turning back, Banner's not worth it."

"Is he not? Wasn't someone crying about him after Sokovia." Fury mocked.

I felt no emotion. Whatever infatuation I'd had over Banner had completely evaporated after the events that took place after the war. After all, he was hulk not a baby, he'd find his way home.

"If you actually think Banner would need convincing I'll find time for a lullaby soon."

Fury let out a laugh. And then, he turned serious. "Don't turn back yet. I've got stuff for you."

"Christmas is next month."

"Yea good thing I've started shopping. I need you to get Cap."

Cap? The person I had decided to turn back from because he was making me less.. Me? Sure.

"I don't know where he is." As I said it, I bit my tongue. I sounded so lame. Also, I'm pretty sure Fury knew where I was going.
I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. I need you both here on the 2nd ."

"Really Fury? A surprise?" I hated surprise missions. They usually started on inconvenient dates like the 2nd of December, when the whole world froze over.

He just cut the line.
Wakanda was not the easiest place to fly into. Firstly I had to refuel in the Sahara which was as difficult as it sounded. And secondly it was always raining. So when I decided to land, I had to dodge lightning strikes and make my way through thunderclouds.

I swerved to avoid one strike and then tilted 90° to avoid the next one. I could barely see 10 metres in front of me, with the rain pelting the two giant windshields in front of me.

Thankfully the jet was designed to withstand all this after all, it had housed Thor and the Hulk.

But I had no time to even think. Darting between clouds, I made my way to what I believed was a runway.

"Wakanda I'm closing upon he runway, is it a go to land?"

No answer. I made my way through another gray cloud and could vaguely make out a bunch of lights which I assumed to be a runway. As I waited for the answer I noticed I was getting dangerously Low on fuel.

"Alright I'm landing." I muttered mostly to myself as I began to work.

800 meters. 500 meters. 300 meters. 200.
And then I noticed that the runway was someone's empty driveway.

"Shit!" I yelled as I tried to pull up but I was too close to the runway to stop. As the wheels came out I had no option but to land on his driveway.

I pulled the brakes as I tried to execute a perfect landing.

My plane began to slow down and then started to taxi.

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