Sun Wukong x Reader x Adam Taurus

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 You know how girls usually wish for boys to fight over them? Well you didn't want that...  (All the girls in my school tbh!)

Your P.O.V 

It was just a normal day with Sun, roaming around town and laughing at random jokes as well as making remarks about almost everything. You did this almost everyday- So it did get boring after a while.

So today, you did something different- You went out into the woods. As you walked through the snow, your boots crunching against the ground, Sun started up a conversation.

"Hey, (Y/N)? I've heard that the White Fang has a settlement out here." He grinned, "Wanna go investigate?" His tail flicked around behind him.

"Of course!" You replied with a smile, your own tail held just above the snow. (Sorry if you wanna be another type of Faunus >.<)

"Great! This is gonna be so much fun.. Stay safe though, alright? I really do care 'bout ya." Said Sun quietly. You bump his shoulder.

"No need to act so glum, dude! We both know that I'm not leaving you." You giggle. You take out your weapon, turning it into an (F/G) (Favorite Gun), you aim it at Sun. "Pew."

He punched your shoulder lightly, "Pow."  He then smirked, "Race you to the clearing!"

"What cleari-" You look ahead, only to see a large field of snow, and Sun sprinting towards it. You turn your weapon back into holster-mode and sprint after Sun, quickly catching up. Right as you're about to pass by him, you see something, stopping in your tracks.

"Hah! Beat ya (Y/N)!" Yells Sun. You just stare at the field behind him, he continues to look at you confused, unaware of the danger approaching him. "Something wrong?"

Instead of answering, you ran towards him. Trying to get to him before the man did, right before they reached him, you rolled forwards, turning your weapon into it's melee-mode and holding it in a defensive position.

You close your eyes and hear the clink as the weapons hit, and slowly open your eyes. Infront of you was a man with a white mask covering his eyes. His hair was a mix of red, black and brown with two horns coming out the top. You gasp. "A-Adam..?"

"Hello, my love." He replies, kicking you in the side. You roll into a standing position, only to watch as Sun started to attack Adam. Shooting at him as Adam blocked all the attacks. Here you were- Watching as your old friend and best friend fought one another.

You then realize that Sun could get hurt, and you sprint at Adam. Sun moves away just enough for you to leap forward and lock your arms around Adam's neck, dragging him into the snow. The wind gets knocked out of you and Adam stands up, as he does Sun attacks, only fueling Adam with more energy to attack.

Sun leaps infront of you, attempting to defend you from Adam. Instead, Adam pushes him out the way and stabs down the sword..





You gaze down at the wound as blood stained the snow, and you smiled. "H-Hey A-Adam..?"


"Please- Please don't take my Sunshine away."

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