How You Met Them

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Adam Taurus

The two of you met when one of the many, many faunus riots got put to a stop. That meant humans swarming in and shooting.

As you ran away from the panic, bullets ripped through your legs. You fell to the floor, screaming in pain as blood began to pour from the wounds.

People ran past you, yet one caught your eye. The two of you often make signs together. "ADAM!" You had yelled. Adam turned and ran towards you before lifting you up.

"Why do you have to make me worry.." He had said under his breath, "Oh well, I'll get you somewhere safe. "


"Don't worry about it."

Bartholomew Oobleck

"You want your usual, Bartholomew?" You asked, taking out your notepad.  The man nodded frantically and you smiled.

You went back and made the familiar brew, before serving it you did your signature design of a heart made from the forth before bringing it back out for the green haired man.

He looked down at the coffee before looking back up at you. "Thank you yet again, Miss (L/N)." He said in his rapid voice before sipping the scolding hot coffee.

You smile and go off to clean one of the tables. After doing so you turned, only to see Oobleck getting up. He cane over to you and handed you the empty cup, which had a napkin over it.

He then leaves and you flip the napkin, only to see a string if numbers and the two single words which made your heart skip a beat.

'Call me.'

Fox Alistair

You curse and scramble backwards, narrowly avoiding a swipe from a creature of Grimm.

You stand and begin to run, attempting to find any weapon at all to get the creature away from you.

You glance around, only to see a brick from a broken building. You grab it and turn, bringing your arm back to throw it.

You stop, dropping the brick as the creature falls down dead. You look up only to see a man with copper hair and white eyes.

You run over and thank him, causing him to smile slightly. He raises a finger to his lips then points over into an alley way.

You nod and go over, crouching there. You knew that he wanted you to hide, so you did as he silently asked.

You waited out the rest of the battle, hiding in the shadows and staying safe. Eventually you heard the fighting stop, yet you stayed hidden.

As you waited and waited, you began to lose hope. He probably wasn't going to show up, probably forgot about you.

You crawl out of the alley, only to hear footsteps running towards you. You stand up as the copper haired man ran around the corner before doubling over, panting for breath.

You smile and walk over to him, placing a hand on his back.

"Thank you."

James Ironwood

You stand in front of your soon to be comrades, your fingers twiddling. "Soldiers, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She will be joining your ranks today. Treat her with respect, she's one of us now!" Said the man next to you before saluting.

The other soldiers saluted and you went to go meet some people, but they avoided you. As you looked around you could hear one single comment. "Tch, I bet she couldn't hurt a fly.." It said.

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