Adam Taurus x Reader

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"I may not live to see our glory!"

You sing out, raising your mug of beer up above the crowd as you danced along the bar top.

"I may not live to see our glory!" Echoes the building of faunus. You laugh as they all hit their glasses together before drinking.

"But I will gladly join the fight!" 

You take a swig of your beer.

"But I will gladly join the fight!" The faunus echoed again, all of them looking up at you. You leap off the bar onto the next table.

"And when our children tell our story.." 

The crowd echoes you again, "And when our children tell our story..." You reach down and pull someone up onto the table with you.

"They'll tell the story of tonight!"

From three areas of the bar, different voices all called out one after another;

"Let's have another round tonight!"

"Let's have another round tonight!"

"Let's have another round tonight!"

The person you had pulled up turns to you, a weak smile on their face, this one was a rabbit faunus with beautiful sky blue ears.

"Raise a glass to freedom! Something they can never take away no matter what they tell you! Raise a glass to the four of us!"

Two other faunus; A cat and deer ran up to the table as well. "Tomorrow there'll be more of us!"

The rabbit joined in with them, "Telling the story of tonight!"

You laugh and pull them all into a hug, "They'll tell the story of tonight!"

"Raise a glass to freedom! Something they can never take away!" The trio sang and you turned only to see a man with black and red hair with a mask on in the corner.

"No matter what they tell you!" You flash him a grin.

The cat and deer cut in; "Let's have another round tonight!"

Then the rabbit; "Raise a glass to the four of us!"

You join in; "Tomorrow there'll be more of us!"

The other two cut off; "Telling the story of tonight."

They then join back in; "Let's have another round tonight!"

The whole bar then joined in, well, except for the weird dude in the corner.

"They'll tell the story of tonight! Raise a glass to freedom! They'll tell the story of tonight! Raise a glass to freedom!"

"They'll tell the story of tonight!"

"They'll tell the story of tonight!" You turn, only to see the weird guy hold up a mug and tilt his head your way.

You make a mock bow and the crowd cheers before going back to their drinks. You laugh and highfive the rabbit, deer and fox before hopping off the table and walking over to the weird guy. He raises his mug to you and you bash it with your own.

He smirks then, to your surprise, continues your song, causing you to stare agape in amazement.

"Raise a glass to the two of us, god bless anyone who screws with us.. Let's have an amazing time tonight."

RWBY Male Characters x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now