Night Together

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My eyes opened to the sudden sound of my phone ringing. I felt too tired get up, but nonetheless I was going to answer it. The phone rang two more times while I slowly sat up and reached for my phone. It was on my desk right next to my bed so I could grad it with little effort. And that was a good thing since I probably wouldn't have answered it if was across the room. I flinched at the sudden light and I read out loud "Red" as the contact.

"Hello's?" I asked. "Hey Barney! Oh my gosh I'm so happy your awake" he replied. Having just woke up, I wasn't in the perfect mood for talking, but I'd already answered the call anyways.

"What do's you's want"

"Oh I just wanted to know if I could come over?"

"Come's over!? Red it's-" I take the phone away from my ear and look at the time. "One in's the's morning"

"I know, but my heater broke and I can't stand it anymore. I've called almost everyone and no ones answered."

Although it was late, I would hate to let Red down. Plus he must be real cold. "Okay's, you's can's stay" I said rubbing my eye. It was still dark in my room but I was getting more adjusted to my illuminated phone. "Seriously!? Thank you so much Barney! I could just hug you, actually I could just hug you when I get there. Anyways I'll be there in a few, bye, love you!" I would have responded, but he hung up before I could say anything. So I sat there blankly still tired as hell. "Love you's too"

I turned my attention away from my phone and  took a deep breath while closing my eyes. The air seemed to make a noise as it became extremely quiet in the dark room. But, after sitting in silence, I got up from my bed. It was 1:09 and I didn't feel like I was going to go back to sleep yet. Opening my microwave, I put some popcorn in and turn on my TV. The movies weren't that great but I'm sure I could find one.

As expected, Red only took a few minuets to arrive. Looking at him through the window, all I could make out was his phone in his hand. I then turned my focus towards the front door and began unlocking it for Red.

"Hey's Re-" was all I could say. Red hug attacked me once I opened the door. Even through his bone crushing hug, it still feel cute and soft. Mostly cute.

"I know I already said this, but thank you for letting me stay here" He told me again. "No's problem."

I moved away from the door and let him walk in. Instantly, he took a seat on my couch and reached for the remote. I sat down next to him, but the microwave went off and I had to grab the popcorn.

"Here you's goes's" I said placing the popcorn in Red's lap. "Oh my gosh Barney" Red said taking some popcorn in his hand. "Can you stop doing stuff for me, it's making me feel guilty. "Never's" I laughed while pulling him into my own tight hug.

Red began to lean on my shoulder halfway through the movie, and I let him stay there. I started to play with his hair with my fingers and covered us with a blanket. He just looked so damn cute. It felt funny for Red not to say anything about it.

About thirty minutes into the movie, my eyes started to close and I grew more tired by the second. I was on the verge of sleep when Red poked my cheek. "Hm?" I asked without opening my eyes. "Nothing, I am not here." Red pulled the blanket over his face and leaned onto the other side of the couch. I let out a tired laugh and flicked his forehead through the blanket. "Ow" he said laughing too.

"Are's you's tried?" I asked pulling out my phone to look at the time. " It's already 1:47."

"Yeah" Red yawned out and took the bowl of half eaten popcorn off his lap and onto the floor.

"Where do I sleep?"

"Oh, I's guess you's can sleep in's my's room."

"Alright. Your gonna sleep on the couch?"

"Yeah, just tell's me's if you's need anything's."

Red nodded and gave a goodnight hug. But after he left, I couldn't go to sleep. The couch wasn't as cozy as my bed, but I was nice enough to sleep on. Every time I closed my eyes, I could never actually fall asleep. After twenty minuets of shuffling around; trying to get comfortable, I gave up.

I threw off my blanket and stood up to get some milk. I got the carton and a glass cup and listened to the sounds echoing in the silence. Everything was quiet except the soft breathing coming from my room. I look over and see my door wide open and this despite sensation crept over me. I was already up so I figured, 'why not check up on Red.'

It wouldn't be weird, right.

I don't know what got over me. His gentle breaths sounded so soothing that I couldn't stay away from Red.

I walked down the dark hall and arrived at the front of my room. Nervousness filled my body, but I tried to stay calm. With a bit of confidence, I convicted myself I was going to be okay. Once I walked in, I noticed how nice it felt. Everything felt still and Red was facing towards the wall so I couldn't see his face.

He looked so peaceful laying down, it made me want to be with him. And after thinking about it, I started to feel more comfortable with the idea. Glancing at Red's closed eyes I moved the blanket down and got into bed with him. My heart was racing with worry. Sure he would think of it as a friendly thing, but I don't, and I just feel like I'm embarrassing myself. Having an argument with myself at this moment just can't be helped.

Then Red began to shuffle around. Instantly I freeze as he turned around towards me in the bed. So many thoughts were going through me as my body shook. My mind was racing, but was interrupted with arms wrapping around me. Well I was definitely shocked. There I was, contemplating why this was a bad idea, and now Red was just going along with it. I'm not positive if he was holding me intentionality, but I think he's asleep.

"Are you afraid of the dark or what?"

Yup, he is definitely awake.

"I's- No, I's means-" I honesty couldn't find the right words to say. "It's okay, you can stay here if you want" He said opening his eyes; holding me tighter.

"Do you want to stay here? You can go back on the couch if you want" he said while his grip loosened. "No's, I'ms good" I say reassuring him. Red smirked. We stayed silent as Red continued to shuffle and get closer to me, causing me to blush. After sitting without movement for a few minutes, I thought he finally went to sleep.



"Oh's just seeing if yours awake" I responded. Red smiled and I couldn't help but do the same. A smile carved into my face as I wrapped
my arms around him just as tightly. "Hey Barney" "Oh's um yeah-"

"You wanna go out?"

Wait what? What in the world just happened right now!? Honestly, out of all the times I would have expected for anyone in general to ask me out, one of them would not be here.

"Is that a no or what...?"

Oh shit I forgot to answer

"Ugh, well..." Of course I was going to say yes. The only thing holding me back was just how unexpected the question was. "I'll take that as a yes" Red said smiling and kissed my nose.
"Also your adorable when your nervous" he continued as I blushed darker. "Y-yeah, you's are's too." I laughed.

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