Chapter 2 | Pupil

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You and Aya were on your way to the university, but quickly split up on campus since your classes were far apart.

While walking, a blur crashed into you, and you ended up on the floor. You got up and extended a hand for him to take. The male had tan skin and black hair that was half pulled up into a ponytail. He jumped up, rejecting your hand.

"I'm so sorry, I was rushing to get to class and..." He sighed "can I make it up to you by getting you coffee after school?"

"Sure," you trailed off, not knowing his name.

"Takeru Hibiya"

"(Y/n) (L/n), it's nice to meet you" you smiled as did he.

"I'll meet you here after class, later (Y/n)" he waved before sprinting off in the direction you left from. You quickly got to your own class as well, good thing it wasn't math.


The bell rung, signaling class was over. You stretched before grabbing your things and placing them in your bag, before walking to the meeting spot for your free coffee.

"Hey, (Y/n)" Takeru waved and smiled cheerfully "I hope you don't mind, but my friend is going to be coming long. He needed a break from studying and the only time he could was now, so..." he scratched the back of his head.

"I don't mind, I can understand he needs a break"

"Great, let's go" He said before leading you to a small coffee shop. It was very homey with coffee on shelves behind a bar area and smelt very nice.

Takeru sat at table with four chairs before you joined him. An awkward silence rose before you broke it.

"So, Does this place have good coffee"

"Yeah, it's actually my favorite" He spoke with admiration before the door opened. To your horror, Kyouya Sata stood there. You tried covering your face, but Takeru waved at him, telling him to sit down.

"Is that the girl you ran into today" Kyouya said before sitting down beside Takeru and you stopped covering your face. Your tutor's eyes widened, but Takeru didn't notice.

"Kyouya this is (Y/n)" He smiled before he noticed the intense stare you and Kyouya were sharing. Takeru nervously laughed before continuing "I guess, you already know each other".

"She's my pupil" Kyouya looked to the side and crossed his arms.

"Tch, you wish, I already know I won't learn anything from you"

His eyebrow twitched at this, "Yeah, we'll see about that" he ran his hand through his hair after regaining composer.

"Excuse the tardiness, but may I take your order"

The tables attention was focused on the waitress before you and the boys placed your orders. She walked off with a quick "right away" and Kyouya smirked from the previous conversation as if saying "challenge accepted".


You walked up the stairs of your apartment as the wind blew through your hair, 'His pupil, who the hell does he think he is' you thought before opening your apartment door. You took off your shoes while closing the door and stretched.

"Hey (Y/n)" Aya called from the kitchen while cooking.

"Hi Aya" you yawned while walking to Aya.

She was cooking ramen from the looks of it, which was the only thing she could make. You sat at the table beside the kitchen area since there were no walls to separate the kitchen from the dinning room from the living room.

"Anyways, I have an idea to get your tutor to like you."

You raised an eyebrow in confusion at her statement.

"I don't need him to like me."

"If he likes you, learning will be easier and then you can pass math with a possible friend, or perhaps boyfriend."

Your face dusted light pink, 'I've never thought of him like that, nor even a friend!'

"Tch, as if, but I see your point. I'll try to get on his good side." You stated, but didn't mention about your bet with Kyouya.

Her face beamed a smile as she took two bowls from a cabinet before serving the noodle dish.

"You need to come extra prepared tomorrow, take even more supplies than needed. Most likely he'll be impressed."

She gave you a bowl along with some utensils as she sat at the opposite seat from you and ate.

"I guess you're right, I'll try it."


You woke up earlier today and packed some extra things in your bag after you morning routine.

'He better be at least satisfied with me.'

You grabbed your stuff and left your apartment with Aya by your side. 'Game on, Kyouya.'


Rushing, you made it to your meeting spot early, but to your dismay, Kyouya was already there.

"Improvement, I see pupil."

"Well, if I actually give you more than enough reasons for you to teach me at least one thing, when I beat you, it'll be that much sweeter."

He smirked before getting out his supplies. You sat down and got out your notebook and a pencil to which his eyes widened in amazement.

"You actually remembered? Good going, pupil."

"Please don't call me that."

"But that's what you are, so I'll call you what I see fit."

You blew some of your hair out of your face in frustration as he started the lecture.

"Let's start with your favorite, algebra!"

"Fine by me, arrogant prince."

His aura changed for a minute to an angry one, but back to his regular aura shortly after.


He ended his lecture before sunset and started packing up.

"Good work today, pupil. At this rate, you'll be begging me to tutor you again."

"Sure, prince."

You grabbed your bag and turned to leave, but something grabbed your hand.

"Wait, (Y/n)"

Your face turned bright red, 'He's never called me by my first name before, what's the catch?'

"Here, a student-tutor gift"

He placed something in your hand before grabbing his bag and smirking at your expression. He found it amusing that you were this embarrassed.


Ohhh, a cliff-hanger.

I'm sorry about slow updates, but I'll update more often now that I have summer vacation! HOORAY!!!

See ya later


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