11: afraid

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Laura's pov
I was sitting in Ross's lap cuddled up I didn't even want to move my side hurt that much we where watching Romeo and Juliet, I went to move but winced from the burning pain in my side "shh your ok" Ross kissed my forehead helping me settle down again I watched the movie but I could feel my eyes growing tired and soon drifted off to sleep.

Ross's pov
I looked down to see Laura fast asleep I picked her up and carried her into her room, technically it was the guest bedroom but it became hers when she moved in after her dad passed away. I set her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket before kissing her cheek and heading back to my room to watch the move while Laura slept. I looked down at my phone when the movie ended to see it was already really late so I went to sleep trying not to think about earlier today when Bryce was beating Laura up it made me so mad. The image flashed in my head a few times but I brushed it away if I thought about it I would get mad and I would worry about Laura and I know she hates when I worry about her.

Laura's pov
I walked down the hall of school no one was there and I was dark and quiet I walked to my locker noticing a note

  No one will ever love you and I'll never protect you


My heart beating rapidly I turned around Bryce, Maddie and my dad all stood watching me. Maddie told me how ugly I was and told me how I was just a worthless orphan, my dad pushed me against the lockers and slapped me before throwing me to the ground Bryce kicked my side and stepped on my wrist before walking away I was alone and no one would save me

*end of dream*

I jolted awake comforted by the still room I was laying in. I was in the lynch's house in my new room but I still needed to see Ross I looked at the time 2:00 am I stepped out of bed and walked to the room next to mine and quietly opened the door to see the blonde boy fast asleep. I walked over and slid into bed next to him I felt his arm wrap around me pulling me closer to him "what's wrong?" I heard his gentle whisper and felt his breath on my neck it sent shivers up my back, the good kind. "I had a bad dream they beat me up and no one saved me I was alone, they said no one would ever love me" I whimpered "Laur it was just a dream, I'm here and I love you very very much" he kissed my cheek and instantly I knew I was safe "I love you too" I settled down trying too sleep and it must have worked because I fell asleep without another word.

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Ross's arms, I looked at my phone and saw it was time for us to get ready but I was even more sore today then I was yesterday how was I going to go to school? I couldn't stay home I've already missed so much because of touring. I slid out from under Ross's arm and stood up, my side ached and I wanted to crawl back in bed with Ross forever but I knew I couldn't. "Ross we have to get ready for school" I shook him gently "Ross!" I said it a bit louder and shook him a bit harder but he only let out a frustrated sound, I leaned down and kissed him gently "come one wake up" he opened his eyes and smiled before climbing out of bed, "Laur are you sure you want to go to school today? You've been through a lot maybe you should stay home and rest I'll bring you your homework" he rested his hand on my shoulder "no I'm ok" I replied before going to my room to change. I pulled on some dark blue jeans and a red top with my white converse before going back to Ross's room where now Riker and Rocky were both sitting "hey guys" I sat down on the floor next to the bed where they were sitting "where's your boyfriend?" "Probably changing" I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram and looking at comments from fans replying to a few. "Well we need to talk about the band so tell him to meet us at the smoothie shop on the beach, you can come to" "ok" I smiled before both boy's left the room. "Are you ready?" I heard Ross's voice from the door way "yeah" I grabbed his hand as we walked to the kitchen "the band want's you to meet them at the smoothie shop on the beach after school for a meeting, they invited me to" "ok, how are you?" I stopped making my cereal and thought about it, I was making it but I missed my mom and dad every single day, I was being bullied at school and I was failing math so basically the only thing that seemed to be going well right now is my relationship with Ross "I'm fine" I tried to hide how hard it actually has been for me "Laura your lying" I knew he would see right through me "I mean it hasn't been great" "well do you want to talk about it?" "Maybe, I don't know" "Laur talk to me" he sat on the counter and patted the place next to him, I sat down may as well right? "I don't know it's just nothing seems to be going good right now I don't even have my dad anymore, everyone at school insists on making my life hell and I don't even know why and I can't even maintain my grades anymore it just seem's like the more I try the harder things get sometimes I just feel like giving up and ending it all" "hey don't say that!" Ross brought his hand up to my cheek and gently made circles on it with his thumb "you can do this, your on of the strongest people I know and you can always come to me" I smiled "Ross how did I get so lucky" "the same way I did" he's so cute, I kissed him "and by the way you so quoted Austin and ally song lyrics! YOU CAN COME TO ME!" I sang them out and we both laughed "see that's the Laura I miss" Ross kissed my cheek "alright pooh bear let's go" he started laughing again "what about your cereal aren't you hungry?" "Oh right" I came back and ate it as fast as possible so we wouldn't be late "ok now let's go!" I walked out the door and to Ross's car before getting in and turning on the radio, R5 Louder was playing and me and Ross started singing along.

I know this chapter is kinda boring but it's about to get really dramatic so I thought I'd give you guys a laid back chapter! ~Lilly

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