12: why!?

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Laura's pov
The song finished and we where in front of school I got nervous thinking about the fact that Bryce and Maddie where probably in there, I had to be strong I wasn't going to let them scare me away I slid out of the car noticing Ross had already opened my door for me. I grabbed his hand and he gave mine a gentle squeeze before we entered the school or as I like to think of it hell. I walked to my locker not letting go of Ross's hand until he went across the hall to his locker "oh Marano you showed up" "shut up Bryce! You can't scare me away and you won't so just back off ok!" I grabbed my book before turning from my locker only to be face to face with not only Bruce but Maddie "it's funny Laura! It really is how you think Ross loves you, do bad you should know he hooked up with me at a party before so he's really only a player!" I froze not only was I angry at Bryce and Maddie but Ross? How could he sleep with Maddie a girl I've hated sense forever he was supposed to be my best friend! I looked up to meet Ross's apologetic face "What!? How the hell could you do something like that to me best friend!? Boyfriend!? You know I hate her and you know what she's done to me! Do you even care about me or my feeling's or just your own!?" Ross looked hurt by what I said and even more angry "Laura I was drunk and we weren't dating when it happened it was like 10 months ago now! I care about your feelings more then anything! Laura I lov.." "Save it Ross it doesn't matter how long ago it was you could have told me what happened but instead you hid it you always hide it if I'm your best friend, your girlfriend you should be able to tell me these things why don't you trust me? Am I that bad?"  "No! Your perfect I just don't want to keep hurting you! I always hurt you" "the point is if you would just be honest it would probably hurt a lot less!" I stormed away I couldn't see him right now why didn't he trust me? It's like every time something goes wrong and it involves him he hides it like if he tells me I'm so fragile I'll break, like I'm weak. I walked to math as if nothing had happened, but once I reached the door I remembered Ross was in my math class. Oh well I had to go. I walked in and sat at my usual seat to see that there was already a note.

Dear Laura,
I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now, but understand one thing I made a mistake when I slept with Maddie and as soon as I noticed what I did I panicked if I told you you probably would still hate me and if I didn't there was a chance you would still find out so, I took the chance so you could still be apart of my life I couldn't loose you because I don't know what I would do your my favorite person in the entire world to spend time with and can make me laugh over the stupidest thing's I love you Laur please forgive me I promise I'll tell you everything;)
                   Love pooh bear<3

He was honestly adorable and I know he felt bad, maybe just one more chance to tell me everything wouldn't hurt, I didn't want to loose him plus him telling me everything would also give me a chance to spill what I had been hiding sense it happened something no one knew. I looked up to see Ross at his usual spot I took out paper and jotted down a quick not

Dear Ross,
Ok your forgiven, but we do need to talk because I may not have told you everything either and I think if we tell each other everything no matter what it is it will be a lot better:)
            Love pineapple<3
Ps. Your tag from your shirt is showing;)

I folded the paper and tossed it, it landed perfectly on his desk. He opened it and I saw his eyes scan the paper and he blushed a little and tucked in his tag, I giggled but then he looked at me and mouthed 'are you okay?' As if he knew what I had to tell him was not good, I nodded. The teacher started talking and yet again it was like a different language I started at the problems but didn't get them.

10. 4x(2•y) what's x?

I didn't know. I tried really hard to get it but just couldn't, I looked over at Ross who was already finished "already?" I whispered to myself "ugh I don't get this!" I slammed my pencil down only now realizing that I had yelled in the middle of class "sorry" I said agin before picking up my pencil and ignoring the laughter that was now filling the class room.

After class I stood up and walked out of class as soon and as fast as possible but Ross caught up "hey it's ok" he hugged me knowing I was embarrassed "I just don't get math" I mumbled into his chest because he was so much taller then me "I can help you if you want" I pulled away "seriously you will?" "Yeah sure I'm kinda good at math" "thanks" he smiled before we headed to our lockers we had a free period so I went outside to the football field and sat in the bleachers. "Hey" Ross sat next to me "we should probably talk now" I nodded "you go fist tell me anything you've been hiding" "ok" he shrugged "so you know about Maddie now, and what actually happened at the concert with Tera so there's only one more thing I haven't told you well technically two, one is Riker is never the one who eats all your gogurt it's actually me and I always just blame it on him cause I don't want you to kill me and when I need money for food I usually take it from your wallet" "what!? You steal my gogurt I knew you where the thief" I smacked his shoulder "sorry, now you spill" "ok well there is only one thing I've kept from you and everyone else and it's more serious then money or gogurt, about a year ago when me and you got into that pointless argument about honey and peanut putter and we didn't talk for like a month I dated this guy Chase for like 3 weeks and while we..um where dating h..he uh forced me to...um have..um sex with him" I burst into tears Ross was the only person on this planet that I have even told about Chase and it hurt so much to talk about "oh my gosh Laur!" He hugged me "I'm NEVER going to let anyone hurt you EVER" Ross's words are always so comforting no matter what we face he's got my back and I've got his,

4 years later
Me and Ross got married and have two kids Lucas and Ava we are still just as in love! We recently went on a European tour for the band and Ratliff asked Rydel to marry her and she said yes! Rocky is married and has a daughter and Riker is married with three kids yet we still all act like we used to and for Bryce and Maddie well Maddie has been married three times and is still in her senior year of high school because she keeps failing math (she wasn't kidding when she said she needed math help) Bryce still lives with his parents and is single he mostly spends his time eating and instagraming pictures of his feat, he has two followers his parents and for my old boyfriend Chase he is Maddie's most recent ex who well I'm let's just say karma is a you know what because he now works as the janitor at our old school (not that being a janitor is bad but it is when my uncle is your boss and he knows what happened) anyway we made it this far and life has only just begun!

A/n I hope you guys did enjoy this and the little bit of humor at the end also please no one get offended by the janitor reference because janitors work hard and there job is not easy it was meant to be bad because of Laura's uncle in the book and only for that reason but I'm starting a new book soon so look out for that and! And always smile and be happy:) peace out Guy's ~Lilly

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