Chapter 9: Stephen (pt 2)

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*Still in flashback*
I was laying in bed after the sun went down with my headphones in and my window closed. I felt my phone buzz. 
"Hey. Its me. I am outside your window in the driveway. Hurry up and get out here ;P"
"Ok ;P"
I opened my window and sure enough there was Stephen," Come up here genius."
"Ok," He said as he started climbing my gutter pipe.
"Hey spider monkey. What's up?" 
"Not much. Just got done talking to my mom."
"Oh? And how was that?"
"Uh... Not to bad. Just needed her to shut up."
"Yeah. I feel. Hey there's uh... There's something I've been to talk to you about..."
"Yeah? What's up?"
"So I've been meaning to talk to you about this for a while... And I don't really know how to say it... I... I uh... This is gonna be really awkward... But I... I really like you..."
"Oh... I uh... I was gonna tell you the same thing..."
I blushed," R-really?"
"I see... So... I was gonna ask you if you wanted to be my boyfriend...."
"I- Yes. I do."
I blushed so hard. Thank god it was night out. He looked at me and I looked at him. The moon was in just the right position to see his face... And it was bright red. We both saw headlights pull into his driveway, and we both knew what that meant this late at night. His dad was home from the bar and was most likely drunk. So as soon as his dad closed the front door, he ran down the gutter pipe and ran in through his open window and shut it. He had his blinds open so I could see everything. He composed his breathing and acted like he was doing homework. His dad soon walked in and started yelling at him. Typical Friday night for him. Dad came home, drunk, and always came into his room and yelled at him. I always hated his dad.. He was so mean. Anyway as I was looking at him get yelled at, I saw his dad do something I thought he'd never do... He punched him... In the face... I was in shock. I so wanted to go over there and punch him back. But I didn't. So after his dad left Stephen texted me he would be right back over. He just had to take care of something. I said ok and he walked out of his room. He came back a couple minutes later wearing a hoodie. He climbed back out his window and started across the street. He climbed back up to where I was sitting. 
"Hey. Welcome back."
"Hey... Sorry about that."
"Its fine. Let me see your arms."
"Because I know you by now. Whenever your dad comes home, drunk and hits you, you cut. So come on let me see your arms."
He rolled up his sleeves," There."
I looked at them, "It's worse this time..." 
He started crying," I-I know..."
I hugged him," Hey... I'll be ok."
"No... I'm worried about you. I don't wanna lose you.."
"I know. And I don't want to lose you either. You have always been my friend and the one who sticks out for me... Against Brian... Because I can't..."
"I understand that."
He pulled away from me," Look there's something I need to tell you."
"Ok... What is it?"
"You are really the only thing that is keeping me from leaving. And you are the only one keeping me alive."
I just looked at him not knowing what to say," I- I really don't know what to say to that..."
We both just looked at each other. Then he crawled in through my window and lied down on my bed looking at his arms, and started crying. I crawled up next to him and hugged him. He soon fell asleep and me after him. I woke up the next morning to a text:
"Hey. Sorry I had to leave early so my mom, or your mom, wouldn't get angry. I just wanted to say thank you for everything. And I'll see you later. Bye <3"
I wasn't expecting that and so it was kind of worrying me. I texted him back saying it was no problem and asked if he wanted to hang out today. It was around 6 am so I didn't think he was gonna respond but he did. 
"Hey. Yeah I would love to hang out today. Park at around 11?"
"Yeah. I'll be there" 
I started getting up, like a normal day of school, getting dressed and doing chores. I went downstairs and ate breakfast ate around 8 am. My mom came down soon after I started eating. I had my headphones in and couldn't hear anything she was saying. She had to eventually tap on my shoulder and she scared me. I took out my headphones and looked at her,"What's up?"
"Was just wondering why you are up this early."
"I just woke up and wasn't tired. So I got up."
"Oh ok. Are you and Stephen gonna hang out today?"
"Yeah. We were planning on meeting at the park at 11."
"Oh ok.. Just make sure you get all your chores done."
"I already did. I was up around 6 and got them all done."
"Oh. Ok. Then have fun."
"Thanks mom. Do you want anything while I'm out?"
"No. Not really." 
"Ok. Just asking."
"Ok. Tell Stephen I say hi."
I pulled out my phone and texted him, "Hey. Do you wanna meet up a little earlier?"
"Yeah. But come look in my window."
I walked out to his window and saw on the floor, written in blood, was "I'm sorry."
I looked further into his room... And on the other side... Was him... Laying on the floor... With a gun in his hand... And blood on the wall.

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