Chapter 22: Back Home. Again.

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A few days after I went to the hospital I was released. I went back home to see my mom, again, and to have, or at least try to, have the best time of my life. I wanted to ask my mom if Evelyn and Stephen could move in with us because Evelyn and I are going to the same college, and Stephen because he was the best person I could ask for right now. Evelyn, Stephen, and I were all sitting on my bed waiting for my mom to come home. Evelyn was reading, I was drawing, and Stephen was watching me draw. I was just working on his new rose. Evelyn was reading a book off my shelf and she was so invested in it she wasn't paying attention to what anyone else was saying. I sat there, drawing, and thinking about that one day Stephen and I sat in the tree, the late afternoon sun shining on his cute face, the funny conversations, and the picture I took of us.
"Hey Stephen?"
"Yeah Dani?"
"I was thinking that maybe tomorrow we could... Go have that tree date we were supposed to... Would you want to?"
"I would love to."
"Alright cool. 9 am?"
"Yeah. This time it will be a yes."
"Alright. Sounds like a plan."
"Good. I'm holding it to you. 9 am sharp."
"Alright Stephen. I was always, normally, up before you were."
"Yeah. I remember that sometimes I had to wake your ass up."
"Oh shut up. It was like once or twice.."
He gave me a dirty look,"Alright more like 20 but the number doesn't matter,"I said laughing.
"Yeah it does! What are you talking about?"
"No it doesn't!!! What are you talking about," I asked laughing so hard my abs hurt.
He leaned over and hugged me,"I love you..."
My face turned bright red,"I-I love you too..."
He kissed me. I kissed him back. There was a feeling I haven't felt in a long time and I loved it. He pulled away and I looked at him. He was so handsome and I had no clue what I did to deserve a guy like him. He smiled at me,"What are you looking at?"
"Your face. Cause its cute."
He blushed,"So is yours."
I blushed,"Thanks..."
My mom came into the room,"Hey guys. Dinners almost ready."
"Ok thank you," And of course Evelyn didn't hear her. I scooted over to her, lowered the book, and looked into her face,"Hey. Its time for dinner. Let's go."
"Oh... Ok... Sorry this book is really good."
"Its ok. I know it is. But I was just letting you know it is time for dinner,"I said getting up and walking towards the door. I stopped and turned around,"Come on. Now. Because I know that if I leave you will immediately pick up the book and read again,"I held out my hand,"Come on. Let's go."
She sighed as she got up,"Fine... I guess I'll read it later then."
"That's my girl,"I said turning around and walking out,"Stephen make sure she comes out of the room please."
I walked downstairs, Evelyn behind me, and Stephen behind her,"Hey guys."
"Hey mom. How are you?"
"Good. You?"
"That's good. Well, dinners almost done. After that you guys can go back to whatever you were doing."
"Oh. Ok."
"Yeah. Just have somethings to catch up on."
"Alright,"I said sitting at the table," Well, Stephen and I were planning on going to the park tomorrow morning."
"Ok. Thank you for letting me know. What time?"
"Around 9."
"That's early. For both of you."
"Yeah I know," I said smiling.
She brought over the bowls of food,"Here you go."
"Thank you,"Stephen said smiling.
"You are quite welcome."
We all ate in silence and of course Evelyn was done first,"Alright. I'm gonna head upstairs," She said walking away.
"Boy... She is really invested in that book. Isn't yours Danielle?"
"Yeah... She asked if she could read something off my shelves cause she finished her books on our trip out here. So I told her yeah pick what she wanted to read. And she's been reading it non stop."
"Wow. Since when?"
"Early this morning."
"Wow that's a long time. Is she almost done?"
"Yeah,"I said taking my bowl to the sink,"She's like 3/4 of the way through it. Depending if she reads all night or not, she'll be done either tonight or tomorrow morning."

"Wow... She does that?"
"Yeah haha."
"Just like with you and your drawing."
"Yeah. I got her started on that too."
"Jeeze Danielle,"She said laughing.
"Yeah I know haha. I am a horrible influence."
She laughed,"Well, there's always time to fix that."
"Yeah. I know."
Stephen put his bowl in the sink,"Thank you for dinner."
"Its no problem Stephen. You two go upstairs. I have some things to finish up."
"Alright mom,"I said hugging her,"If I don't see you by the time I pass out then I hope you sleep well and I'll see you in the morning."
"Alright. I love you."
"I love you too mom."
Stephen and I headed upstairs, and to no surprise, Evelyn was reading," Are you ever gonna stop? By the end of next week you'll be done with all of my books."
She looked up,"Is that a challenge?"
"No. I was just saying."
"Sounded like a challenge."
"It really wasn't."
She went back to her book,"Alright. Whatever you say."
"Whatever Evelyn,"I said giggling a bit. I sat on the bed and grabbed my sketchbook. Stephen came to my side, and curled up next to me,"Hey art nerd. You should think about going to sleep."
"Why haha?"
"Because its been quite a long week and you deserve some quality sleep. And you need to learn to stop staying up until 6 am in the morning drawing."
"But I am more creative when its early in the morning. That's where all of my best things come from... Ask Evelyn. She knows."
"Well, still. It's not good for you."
"Yeah.. I know..."
"Then let's go to sleep."
"What about Evelyn?"
"Your bed is big enough to fit all three of us on it... In case you haven't noticed, or maybe you forgot, but your bed is huge..."
"No no. I remember... It's just gonna be a little crowded with all three of us on the bed..."
"We'll survive. Until you talk to your mom about both of us moving in... Then we are gonna have to deal..."
"Alright whatever," I said kind of snappy like.
"Wow... Ok... Sorry for giving suggestions..."
"Stephen I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to snap... I'm sorry..."
"Hey, don't worry about it... It happens. Just... Let's go to bed..."
I put my sketchbook down and curled into his chest,"Alright. Fine. But you might have to wake me up tomorrow." 
"I can do that. What do you say about 8:30 ish. To have enough time to eat and get your coffee."
"That works,"I said getting more and more sleepy and my words slurring together,"That sounds really good,"My voice trailed off.
He stroked my head,"Alright sleepy. Good night,"He kissed my forehead,"Sleep well."
And I finally passed out.

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