Chapter 25: Last Part of the Date

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The last stop was my favorite beach spot. The only place where people didn't go, and for that I was happy. It was so calm and peaceful and I couldn't stop thinking about how much Stephen meant to me. His smile, his laugh, his everything meant the world to me. Him being alive meant the whole world didn't matter. We sat down in the sand and stared out into the ocean,"Hey Dani?"
"Yeah Stephen,"I asked staring into his blue eyes.
He took a deep breath,"I love you."
"I love you too,"I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled me down to lay in the sand, and I pulled away and looked at him,"What,"He asked.
"Hm? Oh nothing,"I said mocking him for earlier.
"Right... Sure... Don't lie to me. What are you staring at?"
"Nothing. Was just spacing out."
"C'mon Dani. What were you staring at?"
I took a breath in to say something, but before I could I heard someone call my name,"Danielle?! Danielle Dawson!"
I turned to see who it was,"Holy shit,"I said seeing who was running towards me,"Rose Parker?!"
"Oh my god its been so long."
"Yeah I know!"
"And who is this?"
"This is my boyfriend Stephen."
"Wait... Stephen Monroe?!"
"Yeah that's me. Do I know you?"
"Yes. I was that one girl drummer from junior high."
"Holy shit! Hi Rose!"
We all hugged,"What are you guys doing back here," Rose asked sitting down.
"Well, I went to look for Danielle after she moved in with her dad... And she's wanted to come see her mom for a while now.. So Me, her, and her sister Evelyn took a road trip out here."
"Evelyn Hayes?"
"Yeah her. You know her?"
"Yeah. Me, her, and Danielle used to hang out together."
"Oh. I didn't know that."
"Yeah haha. God... You both have grown up so much..."
"Yeah,"I said with a sad tone,"Kinda weird being back here after so many years..."
"Yeah... Its weird seeing you here.. No one has come here since you left.."
"That's odd..."
"Yeah.. Little bit,"Stephen said with a confused look on his face.
"Well, I've got to get back to work. Or my boss with think I just went home. It was really nice seeing you guys again."
"It was good to see you as well Rose."
She turned back around,"Oh hey. Before I forget. Can I have your number Danielle?"
"Uh yeah sure."
She handed me her phone. I put in my number and handed it back to her,"There you go."
Stephen smiled,"Just remember. When you text her tell her it is you... Other wise there will be a full on interrogation."
She laughed,"I will definitely remember to do so. Bye guys."
"Bye,"I said turning back to Stephen.
I just stared at him,"Dani what are you staring at?"
I didn't answer,"Seriously... You're making me think I pissed you off.."
"I was staring... At your amazingly handsome face. Because I like it."
He blushed,"Shut up,"He said laughing.
"I see that blush... Don't you tell me to shut up..."
He laughed and blushed harder,"I can do what I want!"
"Oh right... Yeah cause I'm not your mother."
We both laughed,"Well that's a good thing... I don't think I would want to date my mother..."
"Hmmm. Ok."
"Hmmm. Ok?"
"Yeah. Hmmm. Ok,"I said curling up next to him in the sand.
"You're not gonna fall asleep are you?"
"I might.. You and the sand are comfortable.. And its warm out.. Its nice.."
He put his arms around me,"I understand that... But if you do it won't be for long."
"Why not,"I asked my words slurring together.
"Because we gotta go home soon.."
"I don't wanna..."
"You're mom wants you to. And plus I still have one last place to take you."
"If its dinner... We've still..." My voice trailed off.
"Dani? Dani?"
I had passed out in the sand with my face buried in Stephen's chest. Both felt so nice.

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