Chapter 23: Date day with Stephen Pt. 1

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I woke up to Stephen lightly shaking my shoulder,"Dani? Hey, Dani. It's time to get up."
"No... I don't wanna."
"But it's our date day today. And I have more than the park planned."
I groaned,"Fine. Did you make coffee?"
"Yes. It's downstairs."
"Can you bring me some? I wanna sit here and wake up."
He smiled,"Sure love. I can do that."
He walked off as I blushed,"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
I sat up and Evelyn was passed out with a book in her hand, opened to the page she fell asleep on, and the one she had yesterday was right next to her. I lightly shook her,"Evelyn? Hey Evelyn?"
She groaned,"What?"
"It's time to wake up. Coffee is made and downstairs."
"What about breakfast?"
"I don't know about the food. I was only told about the coffee."
"Well, then I guess I'll go make something,"She said getting off my bed with my book in hand.
I smiled,"Please be careful not to get food or liquids on that book. It's my favorite."
She looked back at me smiling,"Dani. You know I love books too much to do that."
I laughed,"That is true."
She walked out my door to go make food. Stephen came back a few minutes later with two cups of coffee, a bowl of little creamer stuff, and a carton of milk,"How are you carrying that?"
"Practice haha,"He said handing me my cup of coffee,"Thank you."
"No problem,"He said setting the creamer and the milk down,"I had no idea how you make your coffee so I brought the stuff up."
"I usually use two creamers and a little bit of milk."
"Oh ok. Well, that's good to know."
"Yeah haha. So, Evelyn went to make food."
"Yeah I saw her. She was carrying your book with her."
"Yeah haha. She really loves to read."
"Yeah she does,"Stephen remarked as he made his coffee and took a sip.
I finished making my cup,"What time is it?"
He looked at his phone,"8:20."
"You said 8:30 you jerk,"I said smiling at him.
"Yeah I know. But I wanted to wake you up a little before hand."
"Oh. Oh I see."
"Yeah haha."
I lightly punched him,"I swear Stephen."
"Oh really,"He asked lightly punching back,"That's how it's gonna be?"
I punched him back,"Yes it is."
"Well, then I guess no date for you today."
"You're joking right?"
"No I'm being serious,"He said trying to hide a smile.
"I can see you trying to hide that smile. Don't try and lie your way out of this."
He laughed,"Alright fine. We will still go on our date."
"Alright good."
He laughed and drank more coffee,"Ok so what did you have in mind for today?"
"You'll find out."
"Oh I see how it is."
"Yeah. That's how it is."
We both laughed and I drank more coffee and Evelyn walked into the room with a plate of three burritos in the hand she didn't have the book in,"Hey guys. Thought you might want some breakfast."
"Oh. Thank you Evelyn."
"Its no problem."
"Well, I appreciate it."
She smiled,"You're welcome."
We all ate and drank our coffee in silence and by the time we were done it was 8:50,"Oh shoot," Stephen said looking at his phone.
"It's 8:50."
"Oh shoot. I still gotta get ready."
"We both do."
"I'll take a quick shower first and then come do makeup with Evelyn."
"Alright. Make it quick though."
"I told you I would,"I said grabbing my towel and clothes heading into the bathroom.
Evelyn sat there reading and eating,"So what do you have planned for today?"
"That is uh... That is gonna be a surprise for her."
"Oh I see."
"Yeah haha. How did you sleep?"
"I slept fine. You?"
"I slept alright I guess."
"That's good."
I came back in with my hair mostly dry, clothes on, and a blow dryer in hand,"Alright go."
"Yes ma'm,"He said getting up with clothes in hand.
I started to blow dry my hair,"So, sounds like Stephen's pretty excited about today."
"Yeah. I hope you are."
"Oh trust me I am. I don't know what we are gonna be doing today. But I am super excited."
"That's good."
"Yeah," I said finishing drying my hair. 
Stephen walked in with his hair all dried and combed,"Hey. You about ready?"
"Yeah. I just gotta finish up my hair."
"Alright cool,"He said grabbing his coffee mug,"You done with your coffee?"
"Nope. Can I have it please?"
He brought my mug over,"Yeah here."
I took a sip,"Thank you."
"No problem."
I finished my hair and my coffee and turned to look at him,"Alright. I'm ready to go."
"Alright. Then let's go."
We walked out my door,"Hey Evelyn. We'll be back later."
"Ok,"She said not even looking up from her book,"Have fun you guys."
"Ok. We will."
We walked out the front door and down to the park. I was really nervous because it was the first time in four years I had ever had a proper date with the one guy who truly made me happy. I was also really excited. That's a bad mix with me sometimes. For example last week when we got back to my moms house. I passed out on the floor, shaking violently, and apparently had a stroke. So I am hoping today goes well. We got to the park and climbed up the tree to where we were the last time. Stephen looked at me,"You know what?"
"This is the exact day we did this four years ago. Except one thing is different."
"What's different,"I asked with a confused look on my face.
"This," He leaned in and kissed me.
I kissed him back and lost myself in a trance. He pulled out of it and looked at me,"That... Is what's different."
I blushed,"Yeah... That was different."
He smiled,"And also you aren't wearing the same dress."
"Well no duh. I am much bigger than I was four years ago Stephen,"I said laughing.
He laughed,"Someone is sassy today."
"Well, you did wake me up earlier than you were supposed to."
"Well, I mean yeah. But what's that got to do with anything?"
"I hate being awoken earlier than what was planned."
"Well sorry sassy pants. I'll be sure to keep that in mind for the next time."
I laughed,"I'm sorry for being so sassy today."
"It's fine. I don't mind it."
"Alright... Well, what else do you have planned for today?"
He jumped off the tree,"Jump down and I'll show you."
"I don't know about the jumping part..."
"Come on. I'll catch you. I swear."
"Stephen I don't know..."
"You can do it. I believe in you."
"I think I'll just climb down."
"Alright. Fine. Do you want me to turn around like last time?"
"No. I'm not wearing a dress,"I said climbing down.
"Alright then,"He said holding out his hand,"Let's go."
I took his hand,"Let's go."
We started walking back towards my house,"That is one of five places I plan on taking you to today. We are gonna have to drive to the rest of them."
"Alright. I'm fine with that."
"Ok,"He said looking at me smiling.
I smiled back,"Can you at least give me a hint as to where we are going next?"
"Nope. It all has to be a surprise."
"God damn you Stephen."
He laughed,"Sorry. I've been planning this for a long time. And I don't wanna ruin it."
"Ugh. Fine. How long is a long time?"
"Since like... The day you left..."
I blushed,"R-Really?"
"Yeah... I've wanted to do this ever since you left."
"Well, I'm glad I got to spend today with you... Because I like to spend time with you... Just like middle school."
"Yeah,"He said smiling,"Just like middle school."
We both laughed as we got back to my house and into the car,"Alright. Buckle in. Stop number two here we come."
I laughed,"Yes. Here we come."
He pulled out of the driveway and we left to wherever we were going.

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