Chapter 13: Delia Flores, Kristy Anderson, and Brian Park

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Ok, so we all have that one person we hate. For Stephen it was Brian Park. For Evelyn it was Kristy Anderson. For me it was Delia Flores. Brian picked on Stephen quite a lot during middle school. Kristy was just a bitch to everyone. Delia, Delia ruined my life. Middle school was the place where kids become more and more rude, and have no self-control. Delia was the worst one of them all. She would bully me with no remorse and nobody would do anything about it. I told my teachers and my principal, but they just told me they would take care of it and they never did. So I would go home crying and sometimes with bruises. My mom contacted the school but they still didn't do anything. Stephen got the same things I did but a lot worse. It got so bad that he had to fake his own death to get away from school and his father. So what Evelyn didn't tell me was that her bully and my bully lived across the street from us. I found that out sitting on the roof with her and Stephen. Delia walked out of her house with Brian holding hands with him. Which confused me, because they hated each other.
"Oh. Look who's on the roof. Danielle Dawson."
"Hey Delia. Been a while."
"Yeah. It has."
I saw Kristy walk out the door,"Well well... if it isn't the same trio from middle school."
"Hi Kristy. How's life?"
"Oh just fantastic."
"Yeah. I can hear the sarcasm in that statement."
"You were meant to."
I flipped her off,"Fuck off Kristy. No one is interested."
"Wow. Look at them finger gestures guys. That was something she was given."
"Yeah like 6 years ago. Get the fuck out of here."
"Fine. We were headed out to dinner anyway."
"Alright fine. Hey have you guys graduated yet?"
Kristy walked to the car,"Nah. Not yet."
"Oh right. Cause you're too much of a dumbass to understand the concept of learning."
"Wow... Fuck you to Danielle."
"No. Sorry. I am not into that. And I also have a boyfriend."
"Whatever," she said as they all got in the car.
"Be careful not to crash. I know how much all of you suck at driving."
Kristy and Delia flipped me off at the same time driving off,"Fucking bitches."
"Wow Danielle," Stephen said hugging me,"Just like old times."
"Yeah haha. Just like old times."
"God I fucking hate them."
"All of us do. Everyone does"
"True. The sun is setting. Do you still wanna sit here?"
Evelyn and I both said yes,"Hey guys," I asked rather excitedly.
"Yeah. What's up,"They answered at the same time.
"Ok first that was weird. Second do you wanna do the road trip this summer?"
"I would love to,"Stephen said.
"Do we have the money for it," Evelyn asked.
"Go grab my bag real quick."
She went back inside and grabbed it,"Here."
I pulled out four fat rolls of money,"I don't know. Do we?"
"How in the hell did you make that?"
"You remember all the jobs I had junior year?"
"This is all the money I kept saved up. Away from my dad."
"Holy shit! How'd you keep it away from him?"

"He doesn't ever think to check in this bag in my closet when he is stealing my money."
"I see. Oh speak of the devil. Here's the bastard now."
"Oh shit. This can't be good," I said shoving the money in my bag," Go tell your mom that he's here."
"Already on it,"She said climbing into the window.
My dad got out of his car,"What are you doing on the roof?!"
"What does it look like? I am sitting here talking to Evelyn and Stephen."
"Who the hell is Stephen?"
Stephen raised his hand,"That'd be me."
"Oh. Hello."
Evelyn's mom came out,"I thought I told you. You aren't allowed anywhere near here anymore."
"I just wanted to tell my daughter and Evelyn congrats."
"Well you could sent a card."
"Am I not allowed to see my daughter anymore?"
"After what you pulled? No. In case you don't remember. We legally own her now, and you have a restraining order."
"Oh. Right. Now I remember."
"Right. So I am gonna ask you to leave."
He got back in his car," Fine. I'll leave."
"Thank you,"She said walking back to the front door.
He drove off,"Finally the prick is gone."
"Yeah," Evelyn said.
"God. Jesus fuck Evelyn. Where did you come from?"
"I just came back up."
Stephen was laughing,"What are you laughing at Stephen?"
"At what just happened."
"Oh I see. Me being scared is real funny."
"It kinda is,"Evelyn said.
"All of you can fuck off."
"Nope. We're good."
We all laughed,"So it is a set plan for summer?"
"Yeah. It is."
"Did you ask your mom Evelyn?"
"No. I asked my dad. When I went down to tell my mom about your dad."
"Oh. And he's fine with it?"
"Yeah. And if he's ok with it then my mom should be to."
"Oh. Cool."
"Stephen, you in?"
"Yeah. I've got nothing out here. And my mom is hopefully still there."
"Yeah hopefully."
We sat on the roof talking, and watching people leaving. This was nice. To have my best friend from middle school, now my boyfriend, and my other best friend, who is now my sister. 

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