Chapter 4

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Luhan and Victoria are now married. You know that Luhan was expecting you not to come his wedding. It's not like you don't have a feeling or something, it's just you wanna see him happy like the old days.

You saw how Luhan was smiling as he took Victoria's hand like he used to do it on you.

You saw how Luhan was smiling in when he said 'I do.'.

You saw how Luhan was smiling as he kissed the bride.

A tear escape from your eyes. You quickly wiped your tears as they couple spun around. Since you sat at the front row, you can't show the tears of yours. No more tears.

You stood up and clap your hands like nothing happen. You pretend to be happy for Luhan, but no one know what is in your heart. Your smile and your laugh for them are seems so real.

"Isn't that his first wife?"

"Why is she so happy?"

"I thought she wouldn't come."

"What a bitch."

"That woman is so ungrateful."

"Don't you know?"

"What is it?"

"I heard that she's barren."

"Her husband should divorce her."

"She'll be sick soon because her husband neglected her."

Those voices and comments were so hurtful. Your hands clutch onto your chest, hurt. They doesn't know anything about you. They don't even know you, they don't even know what is your problem! You gave them a death glare before walking out from the church.

​Luhan were completely neglected you. You thought, Luhan will moved away with Victoria to another house. But seems like you were never right. He brought Victoria to stay in same house with you.

As for you, you never like Victoria in the house. Everything she did in the house seems wrong to you. You know that she tried to help you and befriend with you, but you can't. Not because she was married to Luhan, but it's because you hate yourself. The more she's trying to help you, you felt more useless!

You hate the fact that you can't make Luhan happy. You hate the fact that you have to share Luhan with another woman. And you hate the fact that you will die soon. You can't do anything. If I can't make him happy like she did, I'm willing to be his slave until my last breathe.

"What are you doing?", you asked as you saw Victoria who was about to make something.

"Err, cooking?", she said with unsure tune as she pointed the beef in her hand to you. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the beef. 

"Stay away from the kitchen.", you said as you put the beef back in the fridge. Victoria's jaws dropped as you slammed the fridge door in front of her face.

"Why?", she asked. Even thought it was a simple question, you don't understand what does she meant. You raised your eyebrows as the sign that you don't understand what did she said.

"Why you hate me?", she asked. To be honest you were a little bit guilty towards her, but you have an ego. You don't want to feel so useless, even though you're not.

"I don't hate you. I just hate it when you take all my position in this house. I can do those chores okay? Stop helping me. Just sit the fuck down and stop helping me with the chores!", you snapped. Your eyes looks like gonna pop out soon.

"Xuan, what did you do?", Luhan, who was just back home from work quickly went to the kitchen as he heard your voice thundering in the house. He pulled Victoria into his arm and leave you alone in the middle of the kitchen.

"Do you have to yell at her?! Do you?! Can't you speak properly?!", he asked.

"This is so unbelievable.", you sighed and went to your room, leave them behinde without any word.

I'm tired to give any excuse... 

It has been 4 months since Luhan and Victoria married and you're lucky that you can keep hold on. But, until when you can stand like this. Clock is ticking, and time is moving. Your time almost came.

The front door was open revealing Luhan and Victoria, laughing. You're in your room wrote something, you quickly pulled out some random magazine and pretend to read it and switch on the television.

"If it's a baby girl, I'm sure she'll be so beautiful like you.", Luhan said as he pinched her nose.

"But if he's a boy?", she asked, giggling.

"Of course he would be handsome like me, silly.", he chuckled.

You overheard their conversation in your room. You peeked at them through the door. Again, you saw Luhan was so happy. Dear Lord, until when I have to stand like this? Until when I have to hold up for myself?

Suddenly, a familiar pain shoot your stomach in sudden. The pain keep attack you recently. It will be attacking you almost every week. You run towards the kitchen and find your medicine. Your forehead was full with sweat because of the great pain. After you ate those medcine and drank some water, you slowly walked to your room.

"Why are you sweating, jie?", Victoria asked as you both bumped each other.

"Nothing.", you said as she tried to help you to walk, you pushed her a bit made her stumble backward, lucky she didn't fall. Luhan who was accidentally saw it, yelled at you.

"Why did you pushed her? What if she fall down? She's pregnant my child for sake you bitch!", Luhan yelled and pushed you away. You almost stumble forward, but lucky there's a table in front of you. Your hands hold onto the table and it saved you from falling.

Luhan and Victoria went back to their room and leaved you alone. Slowly, you walked back to your room and locked the door. You lied your body on the bed and close your eyes.

Luhan slowly open his eyes. When his eyes were finally open, he stood up and looked around.

"Where am I?", he asked himself. He doesn't know where is he. The place seems so dark and they're many death things around him. But then, he realized that he was wearing white shirt with white pants.

He keep walking forward and saw a bridge in front of him. He was so curious, he slowly stepped forward until he reached to the brigde. He saw someone wearing white dress not far from the bridge. He walks forward to see who was it. A familiar aroma shoot his nose. Suddenly, the feel of longing and loss attacked him.

"Xuan...", he whispered as he saw a familiar women in front of him as he past the bridge. She was wearing white dress and she look incredibly gorgeous.

"Xuan, is that you?", he asked. She said nothing, but smiled. Luhan tried to approach her, but he failed. Everytime he tried to approach her, he will failed. Even though he ran towards her, he felt that she getting more far away from her.

"Xuan, wait! Don't go.", he shouted. But her body getting more dim as the fogs covered her. He ran into the fog to find her, but to his disappointed he only found her white dress in the middle of the unknown place.

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