Chapter 5

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"Victoria, dinner are ready on the table. I'm going to my friend's house.", you said as you slip your phone into sweater's pocket and went to the shoes rack."I bring the key with me.", you added as you slipped your shoes.

"Bye, jie.", she waved her hands at you. You're hesitated to wave at her, but then you thought for a while. It's not wrong to wave back, isn't it? You smiled and wave back to her.

As you went out from the house, the pain shoot at your stomach once again. You ran into the elevator and push the 1st floor button. While in the elevator, you pulled out your medicine from it's bottle and put it in your mouth and took a bottle of water that you've spare in your bag. You drank it.

As you reached the 2nd floor, the pain recedesed a bit. 

As the elevator reached the 1st floor, you walked out and someone shouted your name. You turned around to see a guy with scary eyes smiling at you, which you found it attractive.

"Tao?", you asked. He nodded his head, smiled and approached you, offering his hand for a handshake. You took his hands and shook it lightly. You're amazed how handsome he looked like right now.

"You look...", Tao raised his eyesbrows and smirked. He let out a chuckle as he saw how confused you were. Tao nodded his head, understood that you're shocked that his has changed, a lot.

"I know, I know. Handsome?", he asked. You're ran out of word how to describe him, you just nodded his head and agree with him. Suddenly, you're remembered that you've to go to Amber's house.

"Oh, ah. I'm sorry Tao. But I have to go. Amber is waiting for me.", you said and excused yourself. But he hold your hands which made you turned around. 

"Amber Liu? I was about to go to her place too. I have her address but, I don't know where it is.", he said as he gave you a piece of small paper which was scribled a familiar address. Amber's.

"Come let's go with me.", you said.

"Where're you going?", he asked.

"I'm going to get a cab."

"A cab? What for? I have a car."

"Why don't you tell me earlier.", you let out a frustation sigh.

"At last! You come!!", Amber cried in frustration and hugged Xuan, not give a chance for her to breathe. Xuan waved her petite hands at Tao asking for help because Amber hugged her by using almost all of her energy. Tao understood and lightly shoved Amber away from Xuan.

"You. Need to control that.", Tao said as he sat down on the couch.

"Tao? I thought you would come tomorrow.", Amber eyed him from head to toe.

"Well, I think I changed it. Since I accidentally bumped with Xuan today. For the second time.", he said. You looked at him, eyes were full of curiousity.

"What do you mean by second time?", you asked, approached him and sat beside him.

"I've bumped with you before. You're crying that time. You don't even looked at me when you said sorry. That's quite rude ya know?", he said. Sounds of teased, disappointed and confused all in the same tone.

"Why did you cried?", he asked.

You was hessitate to tell him what happend last time.

You was hessitate to tell that Luhan hurt you.

You was hessitate to tell him anything.

You don't need a sympathy from anyone.

"Don't worry, Xuan. He knew already.", Amber said, patting your back.

"If you knew about it, why did you asked me again?", you asked under your breathe. You looked at him, eyes were covered with tears.

"Tell me everything, so that I can help you.", he said.

"No one can help me! I started the game and I must ended it. This is my game, no one can play with it.", with that, you walked to the toilet and slammed the door shut.

"Please don't tell this to Luhan. Please.", you begged to Tao. He managed to persuade you to talk.

"You have to, or you'll be suffer a lot. Do you want to suffer?", he asked.

"I don't care if I have to suffer as long as he's happy!", you cried.

"Let it out so that you will feel calm.", he said. After that, Tao kept his mouth shut, same goes by Amber.

"You guys isn't on my shoes.", you said. "Do you know how I fake my smile? Do you know how I fake my happiness? Do you know how I hide my broken heart? Do you know how I hide all unwanted feeling?!", you added, cried.

"When I thought Luhan will be happy with me, do you know how stupid am I? Do you know how it hurts when I know I can't be pregnant? Not because of I'm fucking barren, but because I am fucking having that damn cervical cancer!".

"I never asked to have this shit in me!"

"Why does this happen to me?! Why?!"

"Since I was a kid, I dreamed to be happy with my soulmate! With my husband, the man that I love! But why God gave me this?!"

Amber ran to you and hugged you tight. Your legs felt weak and can't stand properly. You hugged Amber back. She support you to the couch and help you to sit.

"Everyone thought I'm strong. But look at me now. I'm just a hopeless bitch who is waiting death to call her. Fuck my life.", you said. You brought your hand to your face and wipe your tears.

"Whatever you say, Xuan. You're never alone. I'm here. Amber is here too. We will always there for you.", Tao said, gave and assuring smile to you. You nodded your head and hugged them both. But you never forget that time is moving, clock is ticking and death is on it's way to fetch you.


"Victoria...", you greet her. She was shocked to see you in her room with Luhan at first, but then you realized how you have been mean to her. You smiled, understand that she was afraid that you'll hurt her.

"Don't worry. I'm here not to hurt you and your baby.", you said and pointed to her swollen stomach which was around 7 month. "I will just stand here if you're afraid of me.", you added. Stood at the door, while she was lying on her bed, resting for her own good.

"Victoria, I am so sorry if I've been mean to you, being jerk to you and do many bad things to you.", you paused. "But believe me, I have to intention to hurt you, nor your baby.", you added. Feeling tired, you sat on the floor, your back against the wall.

"You see, I did those things not because I hate you. But, because I hate myself. I hate that I can't make Luhan happy as you did. I was wrong when I thought he would be happy with me.", you said, looking at her right in her eyes. Your eyes were covered with tears. Victoria could see it. 

"What do you mean?", she asked. Being a bit curious, she moved to the edge of the bed and sat there.

"Luhan told you that I'm barren, isn't he?", Victoria nodded her head. "Actually, I'm not barren. I-I-I'm s-sufferi-ng c-cervical c-c-c-cancer.", you were stuttered for a moment.

"Xuan jie...", she was now on the floor with you. Hugging you, crying.

"Hey, why are you crying?", you lightly pushed here and wiped her tears. No matter how many time you wiped her tears, her tears became more rapid, flowing down to her cheek.

"Jie, if I knew this...", she paused. "If Luhan knew this too..."

"Please don't tell Luhan about this. Will you promised me?", she nodded.

"Since your stomach become bigger and Luhan isn't home. I promised that I'll take care of you. But when Luhan is around, I'm sorry but I have to neglect you.", you wiped her tears and smiled.

I feel it, the time is coming. The death is almost come to me...

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