Chapter 12

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You felt yourself letting out a shaky sigh for what seemed like the millionth time that night. You tried to not think much of it but the thought had not stopped running through your mind. The feeling had not stopped being present on your lips. It felt as if you still had Dean's lips on yours, kissing you just as passionately as before. Truth was that you had caught yourself more than plenty of times thinking how it would be to feel Dean's lips not only on yours but everywhere on your body. You shuddered at the mere thought.

And Dean's looks, oh gosh those were not helping at all. You could not really understand what had gotten into him, but then again he had been acting weirdly the entire weekend so what was different now? Well the way he was looking at you and the feeling he had in his eyes made you shiver but not from the cold. Oh not at all. If anything with the look in his eyes you were feeling your body temperature rise up all the more. You shifted once again uncomfortably on your chair. Dean had you all hot and bothered the entire night and he did not seem willing to stop even in the least bit. He just kept it on.

Or maybe it had to do with the fact that he looked so damn irresistible in his suit. Whatever the reason, you knew you were going to need a really cold shower later.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) honey?" your mother's voice caught your attention and you looked up at her instantly.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you alright darling? Aunt Cassie asked you a question" the frown was evident on her face.

You looked between her and your aunt "Oh. Oh sorry, I'm sorry. I got distracted for a second" you smiled apologetically at her and she smiled as well.

"It's alright dear. I just asked if you and Dean have been together for long, that's all" she said.

You opened and closed your mouth several times, not really knowing what to say. After that kiss you've been at a loss for words all the time.

"Uhm not very long actually but-" Dean spoke up and you could have not been more thankful for that or the hand around your waist that supported you "-Even for this little amount of time she's managed to make me the happiest man alive. I am the luckiest one to have her" he turned his head to look down at you and smiled as you did the same.

"How sweet. Well I wish the best for you two" she gave you one final smile and turned around to go talk with somebody else.

"Are you alright?" Dean's rough voice whispered to you and you shook your head.

"No, can we go sit?" you looked up at him and he nodded his head with a deep frown.


He helped you go to your table and sit down on your chairs. His hand stayed on your back where he rubbed soothing circles although it was anything but that. You felt yourself shuddering and the feeling at the pit of your stomach grow even more. A feeling you knew all too well what it was, and if Dean kept being so close and touching you like that it was not going to get better.

"(Y/n)?" it was your sister's voice that was seating right next to Dean, you all were at the same table as the closest to the bride and groom "Are you ok?" she was frowning.

You smiled faintly "I'm fine, Hope. Don't worry about me"

She smiled at you as well before turning to Dean "I'm not going to accuse you Winchester but I trust you to make her feel better" she pointed a finger at him and Dean laughed out loudly, and just as if it was contagious you found yourself laughing. Instantly you felt your chest feel a little lighter, as if there was not a weight on your shoulders anymore.

Seeing Dean like this made you so happy yourself. He looked so carefree, so happy and so at peace that you felt peace within yourself as well. But mostly you tried to forget the kiss. You knew after all that you should not think anything of it because it just was not real, no matter how much it felt like it- It was not. End of story. Dean was just pretending but as much as that hurt you could at least live this a little, right?

Friends after all - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now