Chapter 33

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A small gasp left your lips but before you had the chance to do anything Dean was already dominating your mouth with his. Your hands shook but you managed to bring them around his shoulders, a small groan leaving your lips when his hands found your hips and squeezed tightly. The kiss was somewhat sloppy as you and Dean wanted to get as much as you could. His hot lips moved against yours, not so much roughly as needy. It was full of desperation as your hands fumbled with each other, trying to touch as much as you could. Your fingers tangled with his short hair, tucking and eliciting a groan from him. His own hands did the same and managed to make your hair more of a mess than they already were.

His one hand moved to your hip and lower to your thigh, giving you a firm squeeze. A small gasp left your lips and he found it as the right opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth. You heard yourself moan when his hot tongue met yours and you had no will to fight with his. But at it seemed he didn't want that either. Instead your tongues moved in perfect sync, because that was what you both needed.

His lips fumbled with yours, feeling his teeth graze over them occasionally, his other hand grabbing on your other thigh so that you had your legs wrapped around his middle by now. You held onto his shoulders as you felt yourself fisting his shirt in your hands. You felt yourself grow impatient but at the same time enjoy every moment of it. Because for the first time in ever: this was real. Not a dream, not a fantasy nothing. Dean was all yours and you were his, all his. You could be one, at least for tonight, and with his lips kissing you feverly you didn't have the mind to think about anything else, Sam above all.

"I love you so much." it was muffled as his lips were still connected to yours, kissing you messily but you heard it "I love you so so much baby girl." he was panting as he tried to get out the words.

"I love you too. So... so much." you said breathing heavily, as his lips moved from yours and kissed and licked their way down to your neck.

"D-Dean- wh-what a-about M-Mary?" you panted, arching your back to press yourself as close as you could to him, although you were practically sandwiched between him and the door.

"Asleep. Don't worry." he mumbled as his lips kissed all over your neck, making your skin wet as he licked every chance he got.

"We- we need to be quiet." you let a moan by the end of your sentence, your head throwing back to give him more access.

"Not easy." he mumbled into your skin and before you could realize it he was biting down slightly, nibbling and sucking on your soft spot.

"N-no marks. Pl-please." you stuttered as his hands squeezed your thighs.

"Alright." he only whispered but you doubted he heard you anyway, and quiet honestly you fund yourself not caring after a while.

Within seconds his lips found yours once more and his hands let you slide down as they moved up to cup your cheeks. He cradled your face in his callused hands as he planted wet kisses all over your face. Hisone hand ran down your neck to your shoulder were he pushed your shirt slightly to reveal your shoulder. His lips trailed down and he kissed the newly exposed skin.

"D" you whimpered slightly, clenching the fabric of his shirt in your hands.

"Yes baby, yes." he breathed out and before you could realize it he was scooping you up bridal style.

His lips left your shoulder for a mere second before he pressed them again on yours and your arms tightened their hold on him. Your eyes were closed as you melted into the kiss, you felt yourself being pulled away from the door and slowly Dean started walking. You heard his footsteps and you didn't need to guess to know where he was taking you. Just a few moments later you heard a door creaking open before Dean shut it with his foot. And just later you felt a soft mattressbeneath you.

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