I Feel Trouble Coming

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after Xavier stormed out of my room all mad at me i could really feel there was trouble coming its way for me. i walked down stairs no longer hungry and went to see if my mom was ok. hey mom are you ok i said you her. yeah im fine sweet heart im so sorry that i hit you but you will see later why i did that ok. i could just tell she was hiding something from me but i just left it alone knowing she didnt want to talk about it right now.

i deicited since i havent seen the whole house yet that im going to check it out. so i wanted in to the living room, then the kitchen, then around the corner is a ballroom we will be having out parties, i also so a library, and 6 bath rooms in the house and a game room. after i was done looking at the house i felt like going out side for a walk so with out telling any one where i was going i just left the house and started walking intoa huge forest in my back yard.

when i first got to the enterence of the forest i stopped i was kind of scared because there were noises and it was all dark but i made my self go in any way. there was millions of huge green trees, with rocks, sticks, and dirt all over the floor but i didnt care how messy it was or how dirty i was getting i was still so sad for just leaving my friends behide like that also mad at xavier i dont know how im going to deal with him hes such a jerk right now i dont even want to talk or see him right now. so i just started running i wanted to get out of here run away to be free to feel free and happy so i kept running faster and faster not stopping to breath or anything not caring about anything not even getting lost i didnt care at the time.

but then i had to stop because i finally ran out of air i stopped to catch my breath when all of a suden i heard a branch break. i freaked out because it was getting really dark i could hardly see and i could get kidnapped and i didnt know my way back to this new house. so i turned and jumped around trying to see who or what was out there but i couldnt see any thing not a thing


i was so shocked i could not believ tori got mad at me for helping her. so i just stormed out of her room for a run i had to let my wolf run it always calms me down. so i started to walk down stairs and in to the forest i toke off my clothes folded them and put them in a tree so no one could find them. then i just shifted and started running asfast as i could letting all my anger out and stress. after i got all my stress and anger out i felt so releived and relaxed i deited to go back to the tree to change.

i ran to the tree and shifter back to human form and changed fast. when i was all changed i sniffed the air to know if it was dinner yet but nope it wasnt but right then i smelt the most beautiful smell ever it was like roses and flowers. so i followed it and i saw tori there it was her smell it was amazing i wanted to say sorry to her because i didnt want my beautiful mate mad at me any more but right when i was going to get from behide the tree to talk to her she went off running so fast it was crazy i didnt know a human could run that fast.

so i followed her but while i was following her i was reading her mind and emotions yes i know its rude to do that but she is mad at me and i just have to know how to fix it and to get her to love me.she was saying that im a jerkand that she dosent want to see or talk to me right now when i heard that it broke my heart i was so sad but then she said that she wanted to run away and feel free then i got mad because she will not leave with out me i thought to my self

but then i wasnt looking where i was running and steped on a big stick and she turned around all scared and freaked out so i hide behide a tree since she doesnt want to see me.


when i heard that stick break from behide me i jumped back and turned around kind of scared.. who is it i asked but i didnt heard any thing then i asked again WHO is it. but nothing then i saw someone come from behide a tree and i got so scared i was in the midde of nowhere n i was going to get kidnapped or raped i was filled with so much fear right now!!! then i heard his voice it was so strong and deep and beautiful but i also new right away how it was XAVIER

WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK HERE FOLLOWING ME YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!! i yelled mad and scared at the same time. im sorry he said to me. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ARE YOU A STALKER JUST FOLLOWING RANDOM PEOPLE AROUND ALL DAY. i said to him pissed off now that he was following me around for god knows how long.NO im not a stalker i was running then i saw you and i followed you so i could say sorry to you but then i stepped on a stick and got freaked out that you would think i was some stalking freak like your doing right now. he told me.

well watever ok im still mad at you for doing what you did ok and if you think just saying sorry to me is going to fix it you think wrong alright.i said to him.then i stomped off tring to find my way back to the house when all of a sudden something happened?!?!?

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