Tony Stark - Pride

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"Will you just shut the fuck up!" You suddenly stopped speaking. Hearing your boyfriend of 2 years, Tony Stark, spoke in such a harsh language.

"What?" You asked confused. You were just telling him how your day was. You thought.

"That's it Y/N! I can't concentrate on my important work with you fucking blabbering all the time!" He shouted. Looking at you with irritation in his eyes. "How can I finish this if you don't stop talking on how your fucking day has been when you're not doing any hard work!"

"Can't I just tell something important to my boyfriend?" You asked suddenly getting angry because of his outburst.

"What could be more important than what I've been working on? Like how your curlers stop working? Or how you keep getting sick because of eating fucking unhealthy foods?" He asked exasperatedly.

He looked at you with pure fury in his eyes, while your eyes start to water at his words. "Am I such a burden to you, Tony?" You asked, your voice cracking. You don't want to cry infront of him but your tears betrayed you.

He looked at you, sorry written over his face. He wont apologize. You thought. He has too much pride to say sorry. With that thought you sobbed and left the building.

You were crying while riding the elevator. "Where are you going, miss Y/N?" A robotic voice asked you indicating that it was JARVIS. "Anywhere but here JARVIS, please don't tell Tony, he has much more important stuff to do than worry about me" you said, your heart breaking because you're boyfriend doesn't have anytime for you. "Okay, miss" JARVIS replied.

You went out of the building, hailing a cab, when suddenly a black car stopped right in front of you. "Hop in" said the voice. You complied and sat on the passenger seat.

"Gonna tell me what happened?" Natasha - your bestfriend and the owner of the car - asked you. "Maybe later" you said with a frown. "Your place or mine?" She asked. You didn't answer. "Mine it is."

Once in Natasha's apartment, you broke down with tears endlessly streaming your eyes. "He has no time for me, Nat. His work is much important than me, and he's not even listening to everything I say! Does he hate me? Or maybe he doesn't love me anymore" You cried. Natasha hugged you - which is very rare for a bad ass like her - you reciprocated the hug while sobbing.

Tony Stark followed you with his suit, Natasha being aware of this but decided against telling you.
He's heard everything you said, making him angry at himself for being mad at you, shouting at you, hurting you.

Then Natasha stood up and said, "I'm leaving you two alone to talk" making you confused.

You turned around and saw Tony, with his ironman suit on, without his helmet, making you sad again.

You stood up looked at him, trying to be calm and said, "What are you doing here, Tony? I thought you were doing
something important" with a cracked voice, eyes still wet from crying.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean what I said" he said, voice slightly cracking.

"Ofcourse you are much more important than what I do, you know why?" He asked, getting out of his armor. "Why?"

"Because, I love you. I love you so much that I can't stop thinking about you, I love you so much that I'm angry at myself for breaking my promise not to hurt you. I love you so so much Y/N, don't ever forget that" and by that sentence, you cried even more, tackling him in a hug. "Shhh, baby, I'm sorry for making you think like that, it's my fault. I should've spent more time with you. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for hurting you" he said getting emotional yet he stood strong for the both of you.

You looked at him and wiped the tears with your thumb. "It's ok, Tony" you smiled. "I forgive you" with that, he kissed you with so much passion, that you giggled because his stubble is tickling you. He smiled against your lips.

"What was that thing you were trying to tell me earlier?" He asked. You smiled at him and said the two words that changed his life.

"I'm pregnant"

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