Pietro Maximoff - Slow Poke

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You ran after your boyfriend of 2 months- Pietro Maximoff- betting that you would win a running contest against him.

Winning is hard as he is an enhanced.

Pft. I thought there was no cheating. At that thought, you pouted and stopped trying to regain your breath.

Then, a gust of blue and silver wind ran past the stop sign and advanced towards you.

You rolled your eyes when he stopped and looked at you with a smirk on his face.

"You're a cheater!" You blurt out and crossed your arms with a pout and looked away from him.

"I can't help it, princessa" he said with a smirk, his voice thick with his russian accent.

"But-but, you said you wouldn't cheat" you said quietly.

He frowned when he heard you. He knows how much you love to win, yet he still teases you about it.

Shit. He thought. I got to make it up to Y/N

The  he suddenly had an idea.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Forgive me?" He asked sincerely.

You looked at his captivating silver eyes and inwardly melted. Not today pretty boy.

"No" You said stubbornly.

He looked at you, trying to catch a glimpse of your (Eye_Color) eyes but alas, you turned your head. He cursed under his breath.

"Then, sorry for this princessa"

With that, he carried you bridal style and sped to your shared apartment at Stark Towers.

You giggled with how fast he's running, holding tightly onto his neck.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I will never let you fall" he said, and your heart melted at his words.

At the tower. He stopped and put you down.

You ran towards him and hugged him tightly, grasping his soft silver hair.

"I forgive you, Pietro" you said and kissed his cheek.

You giggled as he put his hands to your waist and nuzzled his face to your neck.

"You missed" he said quietly. "What?" You asked.

"You missed" and with that he pulled you closer and kissed you gently on the lips. His hand going from your cheek to your waist while yout hands tangle themselves in his hair.

"Get a room!" You pulled away, catching your breath after Tony Stark's remark. Laughing to yourselves.

"I love how fast you can be" you said to Pietro with a smile.

With a flirty smirk and wink, he said..

"I can be fast in more ways than one"

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