Chapter 1

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"Siren. Wake up. You don't want to be late, I'm not driving you and Ghaust today so you'll have to dress warm." My mother called out, depriving me of my slumber. I groaned. "Man, you know I hate walking in thirty degree weather." I whinned, whipping my black covers off my body. "Deal with it." She said, leaving me to my privacy to get dressed. I groaned again, rolling off my bed, onto my soft red carpet. I slowly reached my hands up, grabbing ahold of my sheets, to force myself to stand. I was too lazy for this everyday 7:00 wake up routine. Especially on Mondays. I trudged to my dresser. I was still too groggy to pay attention to what I was doing. The next thing I know, the drawer I had just pulled out landed on my foot. I cried out as a result of the pain coursing through my body seconds later. I pulled out my foot, and in frustration, kicked it, making me hollar once again. My brother ran in the room. "What's wrong!?" He shouted. He then stopped and stared at the drawer that lay tipped over on the ground and burst into fits of laughter. "It's not funny!" I growled. "It is though. This is the third time you've done that, this month. You have to be more careful." I growled, picking up the drawer, almost losing my balance in the process. He scurried over, grabbing the opposite end, and helped me slide it back in it's original spot. "Hurry up and get showered so we can leave." He demanded, leaving me to my things. I sighed grabbing a black bra and matching underwear from the drawer. From the next drawer, I pulled out a pair of black ankle socks with red splatters, and a pair of black skinny jeans. I went to my closet and found a shirt that had Mitch Lucker on it and read RIP Mitch Lucker underneath. Finally I grabbed my red vans and headed down the hall.

Unexpectedly, I felt a force knock me back. A head hitting my stomache, leaving me shocked and nausiated. "Sorry Siren!" My little sister shouted. "Lyric, what the hell? Don't tell me you're late again." I asked, holding her back by the sholder. "Yeah I am, that's why I need to hurry, before I miss my bus!" She stated, running passed me. "Have fun in school!" I shouted back at her. "Never!" She called back. I smiled. It's funny, being only seven years old and already being so aware of the world around her. As well as knowing how much it sucked. I closed the bathroom door, and stripped down. I turned on the shower, letting it heat up as I plugged in my flat iron and setting up my hair brush and make-up. I climbed in, letting the warm water consume me.

When I got out, I blow-dried my hair, brushed it, got dressed, straightened it, brushed it again, brushed my teeth and did my make-up. All in that order. I went back to my bedroom, retrieving my The Nightmare Before Christmas lanyard and Iphone, leaving my room behind once more. My brother was already standing by the front door. "Finally ready to go little sis?" He was sporting his White Chapel t-shirt, khaki skinny jeans and grey and black jordans. I grabbed my Slipknot bookbag, slinging jt over my sholder in the process. "We're the same age, jackass." I snapped back in a playful manor. "On the contrair, I'm five minutes older." I nudged his arm, signaling to get a move on. I loved having a twin. People always ask me how much it sucks but are always shocked to hear my answer. My brother and I are really close. He was my best friend, and I his. We look so much alike too. We were born with brown hair, but I died mine white and he died his black. We shared the same green eyes. My parents often tell us about how intrigued the doctors were when we were born. You see, we are identical twins, but that's impossible because you can't have one female and one male identical twin, if one twin is a male and one is a female, they are always fraternal. Science states that identical twins are always the same sex. That's what made the doctors so confused and interested. We are identical twins, yet two different sexes. Mom and Dad don't know how it happened, the doctors don't know what happened. But it happened and it can't be changed. Basically, we beat the laws of we pounded the shit out of it. Plain and simple.

We walked into the building with our arms linked. No one payed us any mind as we made our way to the science room. We always hung out with our friends in there until the first bell. As we made our way, I couldn't help but to feel as if I was being watched. My eyes met those of the person who was staring at me. It was a boy named Jack Black, and not the actor either. As a matter of fact, he doesn't even look like the actor. His hair is long and brown. He was skinny and about five feet, six inches tall. Let's face it, he was pretty. Not the kind of pretty that the average prep goes after, no, pretty like an emo boy. It was strange, he gives off that emo look, yet he's one of the popular kids. He was also a reserved and quiet person. He was very mysterious to me.

When he noticed that I was looking, he turned his head away and I swear a blush crept its way onto his face. I quickly looked away as I felt my face start to heat up itself. In the short time this was happening, I didn't realize, my brother's girlfriend had made her way up to us. He seemed to have forgotten I was there. He was too busy laughing away at her little jokes. Her name was Emily, her hair was dyed red and she was a quirky little bitch, but I loved her like a sister none the less. If it wasn't for me, her and Ghaust never would have got together. It was now three years for them in their little relationship. I was proud of them.

We walked into the science room being greeted by Akatski, Tony, and Luke. We had a small group, but we prefered it that way. Just the six of us. Akatski, the asian of our group gave me a tight hug. He was also a bit different. While Ghaust, Emily, and I were punks, Akatski was emo, and Tony and Luke were all about swag and rap music. "So Siren, seventh period, you want to come down to the band room and chill out while I practice my cello?" The high school band teacher, Mrs. Smith was easy going about that kind of thing. "Sure. I don't see why not." I replied nonchalantly. "Cool man." Emily propped herself up on the table as Ghaust stood beside her, playing with her necklace. Did I mention her and I had matching necklaces? They each held half of a pentagram, that connected together. She also had matching necklaces with Ghaust. He had the yang and she had the yin. A sign of love, I guess you can call it.

She clasped her hands together, "so are we doing anything after school today?" I shook my head, "I have to stay after and work on an art project that's due." Akatski sighed, "unfortunantly, my mom wants me to come dress shopping with her for my sister's wedding. Gross I know." Tony and Luke chuckled, "we've got a party to go to." They said in unison. "We are going to be each other's wingmen." Luke smiled. I rolled my eyes. Ghaust smiled, "well I can hang, we could chill out for a few hours, then go see the movie they're playing. I know you've been dying to see Daddy's Home." She hugged him, "you are amazing!" I was about to interject when the bell rung. I sighed and left the room, Akatski following behind. Everyone else having classes in the opposite direction, aside from Ghaust, who stayed put in the classroom because he had Chemistry. Lucky for me, I had Triganometry with Akatski. I hate trig, but Akatski made it so much better.

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