Chapter 4

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  I woke up in my bed. The sun's rays seeping through my black curtains. I reached over my pillows to turn off my alarm. I kept trying to press the off button but failed several times, before just knocking the entire clock off my nightstand. Silence followed the loud clatter of the clock smacking against the floor. I rolled over to my other side, and groaned once I remembered it was only Tuesday.

  Just as I was about to get up, my phone rang, playing The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson. That was my cousin's ring tone. I groaned again, and slowly reached out for the phone. I unintentionally knocked it on the ground, hearing it bounce off the clock and landing on the floor, still going off. I huffed, and rolled to the edge of the bed. With half my body draped over the edge, I grabbed my phone and swiped the answer button.  I put the phone up to my ear, and with a groggy, scratchy, tired voice I answered: "hello..."

  "Hey cuzbro wassup?"

  "Cuzbro? Really?" I growled.

  "Don't even ask man, don't even ask. But hey I got some news, I think you're gonna like it."

  "Well spit it out then."

  "I'm at the airport."


   "I'm moving to New York."

   "Are you serious!"

  "Always little cuz!"

   "Oh my god I can't wait to see you and Aunt Vivian again! It's been so long."

  "Oh about four years." He chuckled.

  "Well blame Aunt Vivi for that, she just had to move to Canada when we were only six years old."

  "Yepp. And now we're coming back to stay. We found a nice apartment a block away from you guys. We'll be able to walk to school together and hang out everyday!"

  "This is the best news I have ever gotten." I laughed, getting up to find some clothes. "When will you be here?" I pulled out a Marilyn Manson t-shirt and Split black and white skinny jeans.

  "I'll be arriving in New York an hour and twenty three minutes from now. But I won't be in my new abode for another two hours. All our things won't be there though, until tomorrow, which fucking sucks. Don't even have beds yet so, this should be fun."

  "Well you'll just have to spend the night here then won't you."

"If Aunt Jaq and Uncle Bill are okay with it then yeah."

  "You are family, of course they'll be okay with it."

  "Alright, well I got to go, time to board the plane, Love you Siren, see you soon."

  "Love you too, bye Oscar, can't wait!"

  I immidiatly jumped in the shower as soon as I hung up. That phone call pressed me for time. But still, I was glad my cousin was coming home, and this time he's here to stay. Once I finished shaving and completely rinsed the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair, I dried myself off and hopped out of the shower. I quickly got dressed and tied my shoes. I brushed my hair and teeth simultaniously, which, believe me, isn't easy.

  When I finished the final touches to my make-up, I practically sprinted down the stairs so fast, my head was spinning by the time I reached the front door. "Late again, sis." My brother sneered, openning the door. "Shut up Ghaust, Oscar called me so I have an excuse." He rolled his eyes, shutting the door behind us, "for the first time ever, you actually have an excuse.... A real excuse." I punched his arm playfully. "So what did Oscar say? Haven't seen that asshole in a while. I miss him." He laughed. "He's moving here. A block away from us actually." His face contorted to a small smile. "I see," he humphed, "I can't wait." I nodded, making my way through the double doors.

  The bell rang, signalling that there was no time for us to meet up with our friends.  Ghaust and I rolled our eyes and let out loud sighs. "See you later." He said, walking in the other direction. I headed toward my locker, and pulled my bag out, once I put in my combination. I closed my locker, without the realization that someone was standing right by me. "Hey there Siren." I jumped at the unexpected face standing two inches away. "What do you want Geremy?"

  Geremy was the most popular boy in our school. A senior who most girls fawn over like a bunch of drooling dogs when it comes to a huge, juicy bone. Every girl in this school, with the acception of me and Emily, and any loyal girlfriends, have an obssession with him. A lot of them even slept with him. But he was a player. A manwhore. A scumbag. I wouldn't even touch him with a pole that reached as far as Neptune. Not to mention, who knows how many diseases he's got. He has a new target every week, and if a girl holds out on him long enough, he'll work on her for at least a month but would still sleep around with several other girls. But with me, I have no clue why, but he's been trying to get me to sleep with him for a whole year.

"Why so cold?" He hissed. "Because seeing your face always puts me in a bad mood. What do you want? I'm going to be late to class." I growled. "You know I just want a date." He purred. "And maybe a kiss." He moved his face closer to mine, we were now only centimeters apart. That was when I got a horrible idea, that I loved. "You know Geremy, I don't appreciate being in the kind of position that would jeapordize my honor. But you are too irresistable sometimes." I whispered, getting closer to him. "I knew you would warm up to me eventually." He whispered back, moving closer and brushing his hand against my face. Just as he was about to seal the deal, I raised my knee with a powerful force, crushing his baby maker. He screamed out, and was soon on the floor holding himself. "You really are a fucking bitch." He gasped in a high pitched voice. "You brought it on yourself pretty boy." I smirked, as I turned to walk away. I noticed Jack standing there, his jaw hanging open. I walked over him and tapped his chin, "you might want to close that before you end up catching flies." I joked. He finally closed his mouth and hesitated for a moment, "I have to admit, that was a pretty awesome stunt you just pulled." He chuckled. "I know it was." I said, walking away from him. "Hey Siren." He called out, still having his back turned to me. "Yes?" I hummed. "Come to the bandroom, sixth period? I know you have lunch then, because I do to. I want to hang out, and talk more." He finally turned to face me. I nodded, before walking away with a victorious smile.

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