Request Chapter: KotLC React!

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    NEVERSEEN SPOILERS! Alright! This was suggested by Oreos--And--Milk. REACTIONS! Er, and I couldn't find another way to explain how she saw these... but... okay, bye. Sorry for the cheesy beginning.  By the way, I think the majority of this chapter is the events leading up to them finding the book, but... that's how I write. Sorry.

    The Day They Found Out About the Evil Book of Mary Sues:

    Sophie grinned as she sorted through her human objects. Despite the depressing news about Keefe's betrayal -- it had scarred them -- she was getting little gifts from the Council. Oralie had sent her a box of her belongings back in the Forbidden Cities.

    As she sifted through the pile of papers, she found something odd. A hard, metal surface. As she lifted it up through the box, she found it was... a computer. An old laptop of hers. As she hefted open the screen, it miraculously turned on. As it powered up, she gazed at it. After all, it didn't seem to need wifi.

*  *  *

    Soon, she found herself at the Vackers', with Dex in tow. As Dex furiously clacked his fingers against the keyboard, code flew by. Sophie was amazed at the speed of which Dex was typing. How does he do it? she wondered. Are technopaths really that good?

    Someone coughed. Fitz nodded at her and said, "You said you wanted to show us something. Is this it? What is it?"

    Dex grinned as he scanned the words. "Got it! I hooked it up with a private hotspot -- located in the Forbidden Cities!" He cackled and rubbed his hands together. "You've got yourself wifi."

    Sophie was in awe. "Really? How did you do that so fast?"

    Dex shrugged. "Wasn't so hard. Mostly a lot of busywork. And I had to rewire it into our language from English, a human language."

    As Biana, Fitz, Dex, and Sophie crowded around the little laptop, it blinked on. The wifi signal faltered slightly, but held on. Sophie dazedly turned on the web and stopped. "What should I search?" she whispered.

    "Try books," suggested Fitz. "You said you loved books when you were little. Why not catch up on some of them?"

    "Alright," agreed Sophie as she typed in the keywords, 'Harry Potter'. Soon enough, thousands of results popped up. She clicked on the most popular one -- after the Wikipedia articles and Scholastic web pages -- and came across an online book community. Wattpad, it read. (Okay, that's not really accurate. But what the heck? This is my fanfic ._.)

    "What?" she frowned. "This isn't Harry Potter. What should I do?"

    "Try signing up," said Dex, pointing at the screen. "It says there it has lots of different books. Maybe you could read new ones."

    She shrugged and clicked on it. After creating a profile with an email Dex had set up, she halted. As she scanned the vast range of books, she found one that caught her eye. 'Mary Sues,' and something else she couldn't see. "What do you think 'Mary Sue' means?" she asked.

    "Click it, click it!" cried Biana. "Hurry! I'm excited!"

    Sophie obediently clicked it and found herself in a chapter of a book. "Why hello there," she read aloud, "I am Arti. Today we'll be talking about some predictable Mary Sue facedesk moments. Ever seen some of those?" As she continued reading, a few names made her squint. Sophie's Twin Sister, and Fitz. "Guys, check this out. It's... us?"

    Dex shrugged. "Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe another technopath did this and wrote it. Who knows? Keep going, this is entertaining."

    Biana gasped. "It is us! But I would never say something like that! And since when did you have a twin, Sophie?"

    "Never!" she exclaimed. "I mean, it's possible, I guess, but... I never knew of her." Sophie widened her eyes. "Do you think she exists?"

    "I think we'd know about it if she did," Fitz scoffed. "Keep going."

    As Sophie read through, she became even more enraged. This girl.. whoever she is, is such a bad writer! I hate her! Suddenly, Sophie was dragged away from her thoughts as she read the writing in bold. This writer was shaming the writing. But why? Suddenly, it clicked. 'Mary Sue' was a derogatory term for overpowered characters. That's what it must be! Sophie started giggling and caught the attention of her friends.

    "What's so funny?" Dex asked.

    "Nothing," Sophie said with a smile, "Except that this person is hilarious! This is a shaming book! Now I get it."

    Biana started laughing. "I see. So this person isn't a really horrible writer. (Thanks, Biana, but I am)"

    One by one, the friends burst out laughing as they read on. "Next chapter!" demanded Dex. "Let's see more of the adventures of Sofia."

    Sophie nodded and kept on reading. One thing ticked at her mind, however. How did this person know who they were? She decided to ask her friends.

    "How do you think this person knows about us?" she asked quietly, concern etched on her face.

    Fitz and Dex both glanced at each other at the same time. "I don't know," Fitz said, "but it sure is weird. I mean, the only possible explanation is that this person is an elf. It's gotta be."

    Dex nodded. "I agree. We shouldn't go digging it up, though... we've got more important matters to discuss."

    Sighing, Biana responded, "I suppose you're right. Keep on going, though. I want to see what this Matchmaking fuss is all about."

    And so they read. And read. The Matchmaking chapter seemed to hit them in an odd spot, with little bursts of giggles here and there. As Sophie, Fitz, Dex, and Biana finished the chapter, they all sighed.

    "No more," said Fitz wistfully. "Until she updates."

    "No more," agreed Dex. "We'll have to find something else."

    Biana sighed and nodded. "Well, what else is there?" she asked.

    And so, they ended up reading Harry Potter fanfictions until the battery ran out and Dex had to charge it. The next day, when they went back to read more, the laptop was gone. Nobody had taken it, and the Vackers hadn't seen it. When questioned, Oralie responded that she hadn't seen a laptop in the boxes. The next day, they had forgotten all about it, and had no memory of the laptop. What could have happened?

    Well, what do you think?

    Well, that was it! Sorry for the long nothingness... that's my style ._.

    Sophie, Dex, Fitz, Biana, or even Keefe, if you're reading this... Well, then you must have an account, since you can't read further without one. But anyways, comment down below what you thought about this chapter! (That sounds like a YouTube outro... Sorry) If you think I should write more of these request chapters and make them like stories, comment! If you liked it, vote! If you want to see more, add it to your library! Or.. don't. You don't have to. Nobody's forcing you to. 

    Thanks for reading! And thanks for the suggestion, Oreos--and--Milk!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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