
26 2 6

I was tagged by ArisatoHoharu

13 facts about myself:

1. I'm still an e l e m e n t a r y s t u d e n t

2. I'm planning on writing stories but no time since me and my granny are now going to buy some stuffs for school

3. I will really miss summer but I'm excited to see my friends again

4. I dislike bitter foods

5. I hate my older brother

6. I love cats but we aren't that close at home.

7. I got a failing grade during my 4th grade, but it was really my first 75 in my card

8. My least favorite color is pink I don't have any idea why

9. I'm terrible at art

10. I'm terrible at PE

11. During the whole summer, I was only inside the house, either watching anime, reading manga, reading Wattpad, look at my crush's facebook, eat or sleep.


13. I'm allergic to fuzzy and dusty objects

Not tagging anyone but I'm tagging ArisatoHoharu

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