Prologue Part 1

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Let me tell you a story. A story about hatred, vengeance, murder.... But in between all those horrendous things is innocence. 


Clarissa's screams didn't seem to stop. I didn't blame her of course; after all she was in labor.

But while she was in the room screaming her heart out, I was outside waiting to be called in. It wasn't proper for the "man" to be present while the woman gave birth. Psh, nonsense. She was my wife and I loved her. I didn't want to see her go through so much suffering. Especially without me to be there for her. 

"John, you should really stop pacing. You'll soon make a whole through the floor." James, his brother tried to comfort him.

John rolled his eyes, but decided that sitting down would help calm him down. He had practically bitten his nail off in nervousness.

Many, many, many hours later the screaming stopped. I shot up from my seat and threw myself at the door. I almost knocked out the midwife by the door. I mumbled a quick sorry, never forgetting my manners.

I ran to my dear wife's bedside and saw her holding a small, ever so small, child in her arms. She was beautiful. Even though she had just been born she had a nice patch of midnight black hair on her little head.

Her eyes were closed shut and she was wrapped up in a blanket. I looked up into Clarissa's eyes and I saw joy in them. Fatigue, but joy and happiness and every word that has to do with being happy. She had bags under her eyes but that didn't take away her beauty.

She still made my heart jerk inside my chest every time she looked at me. She smiled warily and said, "She's a girl."

I sighed in pleasure. I didn't care weather or not it was a boy or a girl, as long as it came out alive and healthy. Mother would certainly be upset that she's not a boy, but it's doesn't matter.

Nothing matter to me at that moment than the two most beautiful girls in the world to me. I leaned forward and kissed Clarissa on her lips. I could feel the smile on her lips and savored this moment. I made sure to remember every single moment of this day.

"Congratulations, brother." I felt James' hand on my shoulder and stood up. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

"Thank you." I replied. "You're next, you know."

James was my younger brother but he was old enough to be married by now. At twenty-two he had accomplished a lot. He was an advisor in the queen's court.

"What will you name her?" James asked suddenly.

"Victoria." A new voice echoed through the large room. Everyone's head snapped toward the door to see my mother Genevieve Smith Harrington standing in the doorway. Of course she was going to decide the name of my first child. I was surprised she didn't name the child after herself.

James bowed his head and walked out, but not without casting a pitiful glance my way. "No." I said.


Once John said that, there was no going back. He disobeyed his mother when he knew he shouldn't have. He knew what his mother was capable of.

That night, Genevieve called for a celebration of her eldest son's newborn daughter. It was as if she was not angry at him for saying "no" to her. As if she'd forgotten all about the incident.

Clarissa could not join because she was weak and exhausted. It was just a small gathering with the staff and James. But Genevieve had a plan. She had promised her late husband that she would one day make their first grandchild king or queen of England. And that meant getting rid of everyone in their way.

Yes even their son.


PHEW! I must say that was something, do you not agree? Alright I cut the act but seriously, this is one of the most dramatic stories I've ever written. Hope you like it. Oh and the story isn't going to be like this the entire time. There will be perspectives and narrative as well. So ya. The next one will be narrative because the past isn't over yet. Also, the speech is going to be pretty modern and the way they dress as well.


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