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"You have to eliminate them. If you do, we can make you like us."
"I have to eliminate them." Amethyst repeated, all focus in her eyes on the three huge gems in front of her. The hunky homeworld gems looked like purple Jaspers, muscles bulging and a narrow, scowling face.
"Good, our pupil," The gem on the left pats Amethyst on the head, ruffling her creamy white hair. The commander gem leads the two troops back to the ship. "I didn't think the ship would fit. This Kindergarten is so narrow." The biggest one gets in the drivers seat, and moves the ship back to a different part of the kindergarten. They told Amethyst to meet them back here when she was done with them. Ever since they clipped the new device onto her gem, she has been like a loyal lap dog to them.
The possesed crystal gem steps on the warp pad, not even flinching when the blue light surrounded it. The laser like mist cleared and revealed Pearl, staring her directly in the eyes.
"Amethyst," She demanded. "What's going on with you?"
"I must"

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