Part 5

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Part 5

Katherine lips curved and she beamed at Dan, she placed her glass down on the bar as he walked over to her.



There was a moment of awkwardness before Dan bent down slightly to pull Katherine into a warm hug. They ordered more drinks and sat down at the bar; however it was dark and noisy in the club and difficult to try to have a conversation. Dan tried to shout at Katherine but she literally had no idea what he was on about. He leant over and whispered in her ear.

“Do you want to dance?” Katherine felt his breath against her cheek and it made her shiver slightly. She violently nodded her head and he took her hand leading her into the mass of people.

Katherine and Dan danced the whole night, in between Alisha encouraging them to do tequila shots and Dan being challenged by Zoe Sugg to down a fish bowl. The party was brilliant, Jenna serenaded Alisha on stage and sang her Happy Birthday and All Time Low showed up and played a few songs. The lights, the music and the alcohol all swirled around the room and inside Katherine’s head but her and Dan just carried on laughing and dancing. The music pounded and they raised their hands in the air singing along as loud as possible. They kept on being handed drinks, and Katherine kept on drinking until the music started to sound like one loud empty buzz. The room started to spin and Katherine started to fall forwards onto Dan’s chest. He caught her, leading her to the bar.

“ARE YOU OKAY?” Dan bellowed over the music.

“I THINK I NEED SOME WATER.” Katherine shouted back. Dan got her some water and they headed outside to get some fresh air.

They stumbled out of the club, and Katherine fell into the gutter giggling and muttering to herself. Dan lowered himself onto the floor next to her, handing her the glass of water.

“Here drink this miss tipsy.” He just smiled at her sympathetically. Katherine took one sip of the water and felt her stomach ripple and her head span. Before she knew it she’d turned away from Dan and was puking into the gutter. Dan gently rubbed her back and pulled her hair away from her face.  As she sat back up Dan kept his arm wrapped around her. She took another sip of water and spat it out to get the taste of sick out of her mouth. Katherine groaned and snuggled into Dan.

“I am so sorry.” She whispered into his shoulder.  

“Don’t be silly, I’d happily do this any day of the week.” He replied. Dan looked down at Katherine who had fallen asleep curled up against his chest. Dan sighed, smiling at Katherine, she was a sweaty mess with a bit of sick on her face but he still thought she looked stunning. He gently lifted her up and carried her over to a taxi that was parked just at the edge of the road.

As the taxi drove back towards Katherine and Alisha’s flat in Camden, Katherine started to wake slightly. She wiped her eyes and blinked wildly.

“Hello sleeping beauty.” Dan grinned at her “I’m quite glad you woke up or we wouldn’t actually be able to get in to your building.” They both laughed, Katherine’s a sleepy type of giggle.

“Thank you, for looking after me.” Katherine, pushed her hand over to Dan’s and entwined their fingers.

“You’re welcome, I texted Alisha so she knows you haven’t been kidnapped or anything.”

“You’re so frickin’ adorable did you know that?” Katherine leaned over and kissed Dan on the cheek. She grabbed hold of his hair and pulled his face towards hers, smothering his lips with hers.  Dan’s hands went to Katherine’s waist and explored their way around her back. The taxi stopped outside Katherine’s block and they got out, Dan paid the taxi driver while Katherine unlocked the front door. They hurried down the corridor and into the lift, as the doors shut Dan pinned Katherine against the wall and placed his hands on her waist lifting her up. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he kissed from her lips down to her neck and chest. There was a ding and the lift doors opened. Dan carried Katherine down the corridor; she awkwardly tried to unlock the door but it didn’t work. He placed her down on her feet, as she turned away from him, he placed his arms around her waist from behind and nibbled on the top of her ear as she opened her front door.

Katherine took Dan by the hand and led him into her bedroom. She pushed Dan down on to her bed and kicked the door shut.


*author's note*:

hi, you all know what happens next but as i already discussed with Katherine it would be wrong on many levels for me to have to imagine (and then write and publish on the internet) her having sex with Dan (or anyone for that matter) so i will leave it to your disgusting minds to decide what happens. i hope you like this chapter i know it's a bit rubbish and short but i've got a really bad cold and i'm like a snotty mess right now so this is about as good as it gets, have a nice day<3

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