Step 1

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Words: 3095

Ali's POV

"Yea I decided about a month ago that I would be going on vacation for 2 weeks." I was talking to Mark over the phone. "Oh really? Where you going?" I sigh. "I'm going to New Jersey." "Wow really? That's pretty far. I hope you get there safe." I smirk. 'Man is he gullible or am I just that good.' "Yea I'll make sure to call you when I come back because I doubt I'll be able to call you while I'm down there ok?" "Yea yea. That's ok. I wouldn't want to take away from your trip so don't worry about me until you get back!" "Alright well I got to go. See ya." "Bye." I hang up and stare at my phone.

'A whole 2 weeks huh. Guess I better get started.' I stand up and walk to my room. All the windows in my house are covered up so it seems as if I'm not here. I open my closet and pic out my stealth outfit. A skull cap, black long sleeve shirt, big round sunglasses, black leggings, a blonde wig, and some knee high leather combat boots. It's about fall time so no one will get suspicious about me wearing all black. I go to sleep since it's about 8 on a Sunday night. "Tomorrow marks the start of step one. I gotta make it perfect." I set my phone to wake me up at 6 am and I go to sleep.


*~It's the remix to ignition. Hot and fresh out the kitchen. Mama Rollin' that body got ever-~" I slam my hand on my phone and turn the alarm off. I roll out of bed and hit the floor hard. "Ugh. Alright day one has begun!" I take a quick shower and dress into my stealth gear. I grab my book bag that was near the front door. It's full of some 'supplies' I might need. I head out the door and walk towards his house. It usually takes me 30 minutes from my house to his but my boots have roller skates on the bottom so it only took 15. I climb into a bush that was right under his bedroom window. I reach into my bag and grab some leather gloves. I lean up and put my hands on the window to make make shift binoculars. 'He's not in his room but I'm sure he didn't leave the house yet. Where is he?' As I was about to look for another window he walks back into his room in a towel. I blush slightly at seeing his muscles dripping with water. 'My god he's so hot.........what the fuck? No I didn't think that. It was just my imagination.' He gets dressed into a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt with the picture of the heart eyes cat emoji on it. He leaves the room. 'Where could he be going?' I start moving to the next window when I hear his front door open. I peek around the corner and see him locking up. He walks to the street and calls a cab. 'Shit! It's gonna be hard to follow that and not look suspicious.' The cab pulls off to the end of the street and makes a right. I quickly skate after them but I make sure to stay far back enough that they can't see me but I can see them. After 15 minutes the cab stops at the library. Mark gets out and waves the cab off. He walks inside and I quickly follow. He talks to the librarian for a bit and they both laugh about whatever the other said. 'Why the hell is he so friendly with her!??!' My fists are clenched so tight that blood flows out of my palms. I ignore the blood and follow Mark to a to a room in the back of the library. I stayed standing by bookshelves and pretending to look for a book. I glance at the room from the corner of my eye to see him coming out with a cart full of books. He reshelved books for about 2 hours before standing and going to the front desk. The librarian that was there talked to him until she left the counter and took the cart while Mark takes her place. He stayed there until about 3:09pm before saying by to the lady and leaving. I followed him the rest of the day until he went home to sleep at around 10:27pm.


Mark woke up this morning and went straight to the library again and did the same thing. A couple people came in and checked books in/out. It's about 6 in the afternoon and was now leaving his house again. Mark had been sitting in his house since he came back from the library. We were at a coffee shop and Mark was sitting at the bar/counter drinking hot chocolate and two croissants. I was sitting in the very back with a cup of raspberry tea. 'Nothing out of the ordinary.' A girl walked up to him and started to talk with him. I think she worked here by the look of her uniform like outfit. She touched his shoulder and leaned in close to his ear which made him blush slightly. *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* My eyes widen in shock when I realize what I'm doing. 'What the hell? Why did I just growl like that?!??' When I looked up the girl had left to finish working and Mark was getting ready to leave. He left and as soon as I was sure he couldn't see me I paid for my tea and rushed to follow him. When I got out of the shop I saw him turn the corner. I quickly ran after him but something happened that I prayed wouldn't have happened during these 2 weeks. I. Ran. Into. Him. I slammed right into him and we both went tumbling. 'Fuck fuck fuck! That did not just happen. No way in hell!' I sit up and rub my head. I hear Mark groan under me and I realize I'm sitting on his back. I quickly scramble up and rub the back of my neck. 'Oh I hope he won't recognize me.......I got it!' "So sorry! I didn't see you standing there!" I changed my voice to a British accent. "Oh um it's ok. No harm no foul!" Mark laughs it off. 'Wow that was adorable! Nope didn't say it. Lies!!!' I shake my head and quickly say something. "Well sorry but I have to leave. Goodbye. Farewell. I'll never see you again!" I take off down the block and around the corner. I peek around the corner and see he has a confused face and says something along the lines of "Well that was something." He walked off and I regained my composure. "Alright no more slip ups. I have to do this!" I look up and see people giving me strange looks. 'Oops did I say that out loud?' I shut up and follow Mark for the rest of the day.

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