Step 3

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Words: 1242

(Ali's POV)

It's 12:00 midnight on a Sunday. I'm in my room staring at my mirror. I'm wearing a skin tight leather suit, combat boots, black leather gloves, sunglasses, a long red wig, and a scarf over my mouth and nose. "It's time. No turning back. I can't let my feelings get in the way of my mission......." I grab my book bag and leave the house.

I get to Mark's house at 12:34. I peer into his bedroom window and see him tucked in bed, asleep. For some reason I remember the time I saw him naked standing in his room. My face gets so red that I know my hair is ashamed. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. 'Really not the time for that!' I put my book bag down and I reach in for the laser and suction cup. I put the cup on first and I start to cut a large section out so I can squeeze through. The glass comes off with a slight pop and I freeze. I look at mark and thankfully he's still sleeping. I sigh in relief. I set the glass down next to me and I slowly put my bag in through the window. I slip in and I roll to the end of his bed.

I walk to his side and stare at him. 'He looks so peaceful and cute.' I climb on top of him and straddle his hips. I duck tape his mouth. Suddenly he wakes up. He sees me and starts panicking. He tries to punch me but I dodge. I reach for his hands but he manages to push me on to the floor. I quickly get up and tackle him. He tries to scream but the tape muffled it. He manages to flip us over and now he's on top. He swings for my face but I move and he hits the floor. I knee him in his special zone and he falls over. I straddle him again and I finally get his arms pinned above his head. I quickly reach for my knife and I cut his arms. "Now be quiet and I'll make this as quick as possible." I whisper and change my voice to a German accent. I can see him shaking and tears running down his face. I feel my heart break and I feel tears drop from my eyes. I take my knife and cut his stomach. I didn't make a deep cut but it is bleeding. He looks at me with such fear and sadness. I drop my knife. I cry harder and it gets hard to breathe. I drag him by his hands to the bed and I tie him to the post with the wire. "I'm sorry...." I kiss his forehead and I grab my bag and all my other stuff. I look at him one last time before running out the window back to my house. 'I'm so sorry. I love you too much.'

It's now 2:44am and I'm sitting on the floor in my room crying. "I'm a failure. I couldn't do it. They way he looked at me. They way he cried. It hurt too much!" I go to the bathroom and I take a warm bath. I stay in for about 30 minutes before getting out and changing into a onesie. I lay on my bed and I remember something. I grab my phone and call Levi.

*ring ring ring ring rin-*
He speaks first. "Hello?" His voice sounds scratchy and tired. "L-Levi." I hear him gasp. "Alison?" I can hear Hanji in the background asking if it's really me. "Y-yea it's m-me. I just wanted to t-tell you h-how it went." I hear Levi sigh. "I'm gonna put you on speaker phone ok?" I nod forgetting that he can't see me. "Y-yea ok." Once he does I hear Hanji. "My baby are you ok?!? Are you hurt?!?"  I laugh a little. "I-I'm fine mom. B-but there's something I gotta tell you guys." Before I can speak again I start crying. I try to stop it but a few sobs escape my mouth. I hear Hanji and Levi gasp on the other end. They start whispering but I can't hear them over my sobs. "Ali calm down. Take a breathe and then speak slowly." I nod again. I sniff and wipe my face. "I-I just got back from his house. I had snuck in and duck taped his mouth closed. He had woken up and there was a struggle. I had pinned him on the ground and I cut his arms up a bit." I pause to take a shaky breath. "W-when I looked at his face he looked so s-scared and he was c-crying. I had cut his stomach open, it bled but it wasn't very deep. Before I could continue I felt the tears streaming down my face." Tears start to fall again. I hear Levi speak. "It's ok. Please Ali calm down. I hate when I know that you're crying and I can't help you." I sniff and smile. "T-thanks dad." He laughs and Hanji awwws in the background. "S-so after my tears I realized that I couldn't do it. I loved him too much. I pulled him by his hands and tied him to the bedpost with wire by his hands. I k-kissed his forehead and said I was sorry. I then took all my stuff and ran home." There was silence for a bit. A few tears fell but not much. "M-mom d-dad, what should I do?" I hear a sigh and then Hanji speaks. "Well there's only two things you can do. Confront him and tell him you love him or walk away and never see him again." My breath hitches. 'She's right........but what do I choose?' Levi speaks this time. "Listen brat choose what will make you happy. I don't want you to be sad and shit. Like I said you're like my daughter." Hanji squeals in the back and says something like 'Awww your blushing!' Levi tch's and says 'shut up shitty glasses!' I laugh at them and sniff again. "Thanks dad. Thanks mom." They both say you're welcome. "Now get some sleep brat it's like 3 in the morning." I nod forgetting again. "Alright goodnight. Mom. Dad." "Goodnight baby!" "Tch night brat."

I put my phone on the nightstand and go to sleep.

Journal Entry #6

On Sunday at 12:34 I went to his house to kill him. I got in easily and got the tape on his mouth. He struggled but I pinned him to the ground and cut his arms. I cut his stomach just enough for it to bleed. He looked scared and he was crying. I felt my own tears fall. I dragged him by his hands and tied him to the bedpost with the wire. I kissed his forehead, said I was sorry, took my stuff, and left.

First Mission: Failure
Cause of failure: I loved him too much.........

She couldn't do it. It hurt her too much. How will she react when she sees him again? Will she confront him about her love or will she run away and never see him again? Who knows? Find out in the next chapter!!! See ya!

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