Abort mission

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Words: 2914


Ali's POV

I've been awake ever since I came home last night but I just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. It's now about 8:40. I don't feel like moving. 'What should I do? I love him, I know I do, but should I tell him or leave him......?' My phone rings and it scares the hell out of me. I sit up and pick the phone up. 

'Caller: Marki-moo


I hit answer and put the phone to my ear.

A: H-hello?

M: Ali! I'm so glad you're awake. You will not believe what happened last night!

A: (she sucks in a breath and she starts to squirm) What could have possibly happened. Did your favorite show get canceled?

M: Haha very funny. But no this is serious! Something major happened. Do you think you can meet me today at that pizzeria called Freddy something? We can grab lunch while we talk.

A: U-um yea no it's cool. When do you want to meet up?

M: How about in 30 minutes?

A: Yea okay! I-I'll see you there!

M: Yea by-

I hit end before he can finish. 'What the hell am I gonna do!?!? I didn't think I would have to decide so soon!' I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom to shower and get ready. After 10 minutes I leave the bathroom and dig through my closet. I put my favorite jeans on and I put a tank top on. I grab my over sized 'OTAKU' hoodie and I put on my combat boots. I grab my phone and check the time. '12:10' "Shit! Only 10 more minutes." I quickly run my fingers through my hair and hurry to my motorcycle. Because I was speeding I got there in 5 minutes. 'I'm surprised I didn't get caught!' I park and stand by the doors. I pull my phone out and start texting Mark. Right before I hit send, he calls me instead. I answer.

M: Hey Ali! I'm about to be there, are you there yet?

A: Um yea! I just got here. Which way are you coming from?

M: Oh I'm about t-

He goes silent as if the call was ended. "Hello? Mark?" I take the phone off my ear and before I could put it back Mark jumps in front of me and scares me. "Ahhhh! Mark! Why would you do that?" I clutch my shirt and he just laughs. "Sorry Ali! But hey look I'm here!" I punch his shoulder while he continues to laugh. Once he's done laughing he gives a nervous laugh. "Well mi'lady, shall we enter?" He opens the door for me in a joking matter, like I did when we first met. "Yea yea. I hope you know you're paying!" I walk in but not before he pouts and sighs. We get to a booth in the corner away from the stage and screaming kids. " So how about some pizza before we talk?" He nods and flags a waitress down. "Hello! My name is Casandra and I'll be your server for today. How may I help you?" "Yea we would like a large Hawaiian pizza and two sprites, please." Cassandra nods and walks away. "So mister urgent. What was so important?" He sat there for a bit before he realized what I said. " O-oh yea! So I was sleeping and out of no where I wake up and there's this girl straddling me! At first I thought something sexy was going to happen, but then I realized she duck taped my mouth. I start fighting back and then................" I zone out. 'I can't believe I did that to him. He looks and sounds so scared. He can't find out it was me. Never...' "-She tied me to the bed and kissed me, which was so weird, although I kinda liked it. Anyway she said sorry and then left. It took me a while to get loose but by the time I did she was long gone. I have a couple questions for her." "Like what?" I ask softly because i'm still shaken up. He taps his chin 5 times. "Well first, who was she-" "Do you really think a killer would tell you who she was." He looks at me and then we both laugh. "Whatever Ali. Anyway, I would also ask her what she was sorry for. My last question would be why she kissed me." I suck in a breath and hold it. "U-um well who knows? Maybe she feels bad now because she killed so many and now she doesn't want to anymore?" He looks thoughtfully but then finally nods. "Yea that makes sense." I let go of the breath I was holding and breathe normally.

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