Killer Marriage

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Words: 1617


(2 months later)

(Author's POV)

Ali and Mark were having a date night at his house. Ali was cuddled up on Mark's chest and he was gently messaging her cat ears. "I have to use the bathroom. I'll be back." Ali stands and kisses Mark's cheek before skipping down the hall way. She walks to the bathroom and does her business. As she's walking back she notices the usually locked room is cracked open. Curiously she walks in. When she walks in she is surprised to see a big map on the wall in front of her with red and white tacks and pictures of people under each tack. The pictures with red tacks were X-ed out with red marker. There were only three white tacks and twenty red ones. There were weapons on the wall to the right. All kinds of guns and gadgets lined the wall. There was a table in front of the map and on it was a leather bound notebook. Ali walks to the table and opens the book. 

Page 1

Name: Joe Clark

Age: 36

Hair color: Pitch Black

Reason: He has been illegally selling our products and needs to be dealt with.

Status: Dead

Page 2

Name: Jessica Zarate

Age: 18

Hair color: Black with pink tips

Reason: She is the owner of #!@%$!% products and is stealing all of our business. Take her out

Status: Dead

The pages continued like that. Ali drops the book and screams in horror. Quick footsteps make there way down the hall to her. Mark bursts through the door panting. "Ali w-what are you doing in here!?!" Ali stands and faces him. "How could you not tell me!?!? I thought we trusted each other??" Mark walks up to her and hugs her around the waist. "I'm sorry.... I didn't know how to tell you. *sigh* I come from a family of assassins. After my dad died and my mom was too old to kill anymore me and my brother took over. We were the best of the best until that lying fucker double crossed me and almost got me killed. In the end I had to kill him and I was a wreck afterwards." Ali gasps softly and wraps her arms around Mark. "I'm sorry. I was wrong too." Mark looks down to see Ali crying. "W-what's wrong??" Ali sobs more and falls to the floor bringing Mark down with her. "I-I lied too. I also come from a family of assassins. I was raised to kill ever since I turned 15. My family didn't die in a car crash. It was 8 years ago. My family, we were going on our first family mission. Something went wrong and they were all captured and killed. After that I could never kill again until recently. I had decided to go on my first mission. first target was.........." Ali sobs again. "My f-first target was you." Mark gasps and let's her go. "W-what? S-so you were the woman that came into my room a-and attacked me?" Ali nods. Mark hugs her again and sighs. "It's okay. I forgive you but can you answer my questions?" Ali wipes her face and nods. "Well since I already know who you are or were." They both laugh a little. "Well why were you sorry and why did you kiss me and why didn't you kill me?" 

Ali stands up and Mark follows suit. "I'll tell you but lets go back to the living room first." Mark nods and he leaves first. Ali looks around once more before leaving too.

(Ali's POV)

We get in the living room and Mark goes to make hot chocolate. He comes back and gives me a cup while taking a sip out of his. I drink some and then sigh. "Okay. Well I can answer all those questions with one simple answer. I-i loved you too much to hurt you. I had figured out that I loved you before that but I tried to push my feelings away in order to do my first mission but as you can tell it didn't go according to plan." Mark nods and we both sip our drink. He leans over and kisses me. I lick his lip asking for permission and he opens wide. We wrestle for a bit but of course he won. When we pull apart he kisses my cheek and chuckles. "Well I already forgave you but do you forgive me?" "Of course I do! It's not like you planned to kill me........" We finish our drinks and set them down. "Let's just promise each other. No more secrets?" Mark sticks out his pinky finger and I laugh. Pinky promise!" We link pinkies and laugh.

(4 years later)

(Author's POV)

It was the couples 4 year anniversary and they were spending it at a restaurant. Ali was eating spaghetti and Mark had steak. They were just talking about random things. When they finished the waiter took their plates. "So what should we do now?" Ali asks. Mark drinks some of his wine before answering. "I ordered desert and after that it depends on what you say." Ali tilts her head to the right a little. "What do you mean?" Mark just smiles at her. The waiter comes back and sits a small cake on the table. The cake was white and had red icing dripping off the sides leading up to a knife stabbed in the cake. Ali looks shocked but then laughs. "Oh Mark that is so adorable! But whats the special occasion?" Mark doesn't answer. He stands up and kneels down in front of Ali. He grabs her hands and takes a deep breath. 

"Ali since the first time we talked I knew you were someone I wanted in my life forever. I won't lie because in the beginning I didn't think we would be together like this.*Ali giggles* After we hung out for a while I knew there was something special about you. The way you smiled, the way you laughed, even the way you cried. You were amazing and you were the most beautiful thing to ever come into my life. I knew then that you had to be mine and even now you are still not fully mine." Mark reaches into his pocket and pulls a box out. Ali gasps and her smile widens even more. "In order for you to be completely mine, I knew I had to marry you. So, Alison Green, will you be my partner in crime in this messed up world?" Mark opens the box. Inside was a beautiful black diamond in the shape of a rose in bloom on top of a gold band. Alison sticks her left hand out and nods profusely. Mark smiles like the Cheshire cat. He gently grabs her left hand and slips the ring onto her ring finger. Ali jumps up and tackles him to the ground as the restaurant erupts with clapping and wolf whistles. "I love you!!" "I love you more!"

(1 year later)

(Ali's POV)

I'm in my dressing room freaking out. Lucy, Hanji, Erza, Mikasa, and Haruhi are trying to calm me down. "Ali, it's okay! I'm sure he didn't get cold feet!" Haruhi tries to calm me but it doesn't help completely. "Yea I mean there has to be a reason why he's late to your wedding!" Hanji grabs me and sits me down. "If he doesn't show I will happily cut off his---" Erza is cut off by Natsu bursting in. "He's here!!!" My heart finally slows down and everyone takes a sigh of relief. Lucy claps and cheers. "Now let's get this blushing bride married!" Everyone cheers and leaves the room. 

I'm about to walk down the aisle..........oh boy!

(Author's POV)

The music slowly fades into the 'here comes the bride tune'. Everyone stands as the doors open to reveal Ali being walked down by her father, Levi. Her dress, a beautiful white lace with open shoulders and long sleeves. The bottom was almost see through but not completely and it trailed about 6 feet behind her. The veil covering only her nose and up. They finally get to the alter where a starstruck Mark is awaiting his blushing bride. Ali kisses Levi's cheek as he lets her go. She holds onto her red rose bouquet as she stands in front of Mark. Mark just stands there frozen as he takes in his beautiful soon to be wife.

*Ahem* Dearly beloved we are gathered here to...........

"And now for the vows."

Alison: With this hand, I will lift you sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. (Ali grabs the ring from Lucy. She slips the ring onto his left hand)

Mark: With this hand, I will lift you sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. (Mark grabs the ring from Natsu. He slips the ring onto her left hand)

"If anyone does not wish for these two to be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." Levi glares around the crowd and everyone gets shivers. "W-well you may now kiss the bride!" 

Mark dips me and brings me into a passionate kiss that marks the beginning of a new adventure!


WOW! They got married!!!!! Yay!! It was beautiful. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. There is one more chapter left so I hope to see all of my pumpkins there.. See ya!!!!!!

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