Step 2

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Words: 2181

Ali's POV

"It was a blast! I so wish you could have been there." Mark was telling me about his trip. 'Lies. I'm not a fool!' I fake smile and nod along. 'Funny because it's actually working. Fake smiling I mean.' We were in a park sitting on the swings talking about his trip. He came back earlier today and he said he ran straight to my house after he put everything away. "What were you doing while I was gone?" I pretend to think. "W-well I was really j-just waiting for you t-to come back..." I look away and blush. 'Dammit why did I tell him that!??! Although it's not the whole truth *mentally smirks* but still!' I can see from the corner of my eyes that his eyes widen and his face is a bright crimson. 'Aww he's cute......No fucking stop!' "O-oh well I-I missed you too!" I look at him and give him a closed eyes smile and a peace sign. He laughs and I pretend to pout but I eventually laugh too. "Well how about we go to lunch and just chill." Mark smiles at me waiting for my answer. "Yea that's cool!"

(!!Time Skip!!)

I'm at home thinking about today but also about step 2. I'm sitting on my bed with my phone in my hand with a number on it. "Should I call them? I'm sure he'd help me.......he is a family friend." I groan and run my hands through my hair. "Why the hell is this so hard. If I call him it will make my job easier instead of me doing it on my own......." 'This is all Mark's fault he makes me feel some type of way and now I can't focus!' I toss my phone on the bed and go to the bathroom. I splash my face with water and look in the mirror. I'm in my underwear with my ears and tail out. I reach up and touch my ears. "Mark touched these before......." I blush and my heart speeds up. 'What the hell is going on.' I walk back into my room and call him.

After a couple rings someone answers. I speak first. "Hello?" I hear him breathe before saying "State your name and business." I pause trying to remember the code words. "My name is Moonlight Sonata I would like to speak about the family." I hear him gasp and mumble my real name. 'So he does remember me.' "The family and I can meet you at 34227 on Crown st. At 7pm on Saturday." I smile and write it down on my hand. "Thank you. I hope you bring a lot of them. I hope they are all healthy as well. Old or new doesn't matter." "Goodbye." Before I can respond he hangs up.


I turn my engine off and hop off the bike. I'm wearing my stealth outfit except I'm not wearing the hat and I have a book bag on. I'm at the address and it's an abandoned factory but it only looks likes its only been abandoned for 3-5 years. I walk up to the door and knock 5 times. A slot on the door opens. "Name and business." I smirk. I take my shades off and my wig. "My names Moonlight Sonata and I'm here to meet the family. So let me in..............Levi." I hear the person 'tch' behind the door and the spot closes. I hear a few locks open and the door flings open. Before I can walk in I'm grabbed and pulled in instead. The door slams and I'm brought into a hug. The persons head is in the crook of my neck and their arms are around my stomach because I'm about 3 inches taller than them. I laugh and hug them back. My tail wags back and forth from happiness (my ears and tail are out because I'm indoors and he already knows). "Tch fucking brat never calls or visits." "I know I'm sorry Levi but hey I'm here now!" We let go of each other and I smile. I see a ghost of a smile on his face but it's gone as soon as I see it. He pats my head and rubs my ears. "Yea but you're here for a reason and I don't like it."

I pat his back. "I know and I'm sorry but you knew this day would come." He doesn't say anything. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a room. He flicks the lights on and there's a bunch of tables with different gadgets and inventions on them. On the walls are different weapons. At the back of the room someone is working on something. "Shitty glasses get your ass over here!" The person drops what they have and looks up. "Levi I to- oh my gosh! Ali-chan!!!!" She runs to me and damn near tackles me. "Hey Hanji! How ya been?" She lets go but keeps her hands on my shoulders. "Good good! How have yo-" Levi tch's and says. "Enough with the reunion. She's here to 'meet the family'." Hanji smiles creepily and giggles. "But of course! What do you need them for?"

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