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robin woke up in a flurry of gray sheets and tangled blankets, her ski slope nose tinted red from sniffling during the night. she promptly landed on the floor in a heap, groaning and staying still for a few more moments. saturday was supposed to be a day of sleep and quiet for her. however, she never woke up in a daze of light and sparkling new. she woke up with messy hair and lazy smiles.

the girl wiggled her bra off and continued stripping off clothes on her way to the shower. when she finally ducked her head in, she was yanking away the ribbon and strewing it onto the counter. her head bobbed under the hot stream and her skin was beginning to be wiped of grease and fixable blemishes.

after robin was finally ready for the day -- a loose, red crop top with white holed jeans -- she made her way to her car with a small book bag. in this green bag contained her journal, her camera, extra ribbons, bits and pieces of things, and alas, her keys.

off to an adventure she went! -- to her same old cafe. a dreary little place, bricks and marble and toasted chestnut smell and all. her sister didn't like it due to many potheads that hung out near there, however she was obsessed with it. robin saw it as a place that buzzed with average, miserable, and magnificent life. inside, she toted her laptop and bag, smiling warmly at the lanky barista who offered her a lopsided smirk.

"what can i get for you?" the same worker leaned on the counter, looking over at her journal. his eyes scanned the drawings in appreciation, draining every detail of unfamiliarity.

"butterbeer," she chirped, sending a lock of hair behind her ear. "thank you." her manners were quiet, lips upturning slightly as she gazed back down on her drawings.

"harry potter fan, miss?" he grinned, recognizing a sketch of voldy as he stirred the cold beverage.

"guilty. what's your house?" she looked up at him, gray eyes gaining her sparkle.

"slytherin -- how evil."

"nonsense. at least you're an actual house. guess mine." she lifted a pen from her bag, letting it glide across a clean sheet.

"hufflepuff," the barista handed the drink over matter-of-factly. "it's obvious. you're so chippy."

robin let out a huff of amusement. the pen twirled on the brown paper and slowly turned into locks of hair. "okay, snake." looking up, she let out a deep laugh, biting down on her straw. "you got me."

"so, what's your name, badger?" the boy bit back a smile, establishing another drink without hesitation nor any thought to what he was doing. his brown hair swirled up and slightly to the side, different tones taking on a depth other hair couldn't achieve. it was cool, robin thought.

"oh, robin blaise." she shoved out her hand, thumping the pen against the counter in her other. he shook her hand with a softness that said he thought of her as something he wouldn't want to break.

"this snake's name is sawyer sage."

"what a tongue twister," the girl inquired, sliding her tongue between her teeth and crooking her head according to the upcoming sketch.

"i'll show you a tongue twister," the boy laughed, furrowing his eyebrows and handing the drink to the last customer in line.

"you're dirty, kiddo."

he breathed out, leaning against the counter. the smile sawyer wore was crooked up to one side and displayed only one dimple. "you're telling me."

robin's response was shy and awkward, never being much to dwell and add onto things. the boy continued looking at her, though, so her head picked up -- her hair covered most of her left eye and she gave a sheepish grin, shrugging her shoulders up slightly.

a grin plastered on sawyer sage's face before he whipped out a sharpie and looked at her expectantly. this was an unsaid request for her number, yet she caught on and pressed her small fingers into his palm. slowly she wrote her number on his wrist and signed it with 'rb.'

hi fellas!! ah!! this is me finally (hoping to) sticking to a story!! please let me know what you all think .. !!!

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