
15 1 4

on the day she had a writing/english seminar, she really realised how close school was to dwindling to nothing. she had exactly one more month of highschool in its entirety and it became more apparent as the days thinned and the teachers laughed longer. in this seminar, she had her favorite teacher. this lad, mr.o'kace was an artistic kind of soul which she was drawn to immediately. his class was set in a circle, his desk in the middle in which he'd sit perched atop and preach his heart out.

she took a seat nearest to the door that class and gently placed her bag atop the desk, smooshing her cheek against the rough fabric. when he finally began talking, she lifted her head and listened to his rant.

"everyone, in each and every part of the world, has taken chances. atticus, the most cautious man, took a chance with taking the robinson's case. i took a chance staying 5 extra minutes at my house for some coffee. i am sending you guys out into the world soon, and jesus christ. i know you're prepared, but please take some chances. get yourselves known and be somebody. you don't have to be somebody to everybody. be someone to you. be someone to me. you don't want to spend the rest of your lives comfortably." he stood up, shoving his desk into a corner no one was in and began to pace. "it's bullshit. living comfortably is-" mr. o'kace jogged or to the chalkboard and began writing as he was speaking-"number one of my biggest sins. let me be your new jesus to live by for a short while."

this struck robin and stuck with her through the day. she thoroughly enjoyed his speech, playing back parts in her head as she wandered to the green van after dismissal. in the driver's side, she blared an indie radio station and hummed along absentmindedly.

she found herself driving back to the cafe with a new accessory, apparently skipping the park this afternoon.

robin snatched her bag and nearly ran inside, jogging down and sitting down in a bar stool before sawyer got the chance to look. leaning over the counter, she batted her eyelashes innocently until sawyer got a chance to see her. he leant over at her, before jumping back quickly and grabbing her face with both hands, pressing her cheeks to each other.

"holy shit, bird! i want one, too." the boy basically whined, reached up his left hand and messing idly with one of the balls at the end of her septum ring. his face was lit up, inches from her's as she winced the slightest bit in pain. "what was the reason?"

"you see, i have this class, and in this class, i have a teacher. this teacher told me to not be so stagnant. that i need to take chances, yeah? yeah, this is me changing." she flew her hands up, grinning up at his much taller figure.

he looked from the end of silver to her eyes; he was brimming with admiration for this courageous act, sure. perhaps he was the slightest bit envious that he didn't have balls like her.

sawyer went to making her butterbeer and she occupied herself on her laptop, scrolling through studio apartments near here. "college is next year for me," she informed him, sighing.

honestly, she'd two weeks until graduation. from this, she was stressed about the logistics of going to college and starting anew. it excited her and filled her veins with the word 'no' at the same time.

sawyer set down the drink in front of her, sitting by her at the bar. the awkward boy leant on the blunt end of his palm, smiling kindly. "it'll be alright. college is fine, really. i get to stay in sweatpants like half the time. no bed times, that's another pro." she smiled at his humor, clicking on an apartment with brick walls and 'a leaky kitchen sink'.

"also, i'll be there. fight off all the bad guys, yeah?"

"yeah, snake. you can be my robin-"

"is that pun?"

the pair erupted in a fit of laughter, robin clutching her knees for support. the girl hugged her yellow hoodie closer to her frame, still fazed by the stupid joke. "i might get this one," she informed him, looking back over to the leaky kitchen sink apartment.

"it's a studio apartment. won't that be a tad small?"

"just me going, dork. how much room can a 5 foot girl take up?"

the boy shrugged and took a sip of her drink, looking at it.

"sounds like a bit of project."

"so are you, though." her smile showed the sliver of her tongue peeking between her teeth. she could handle another project, maybe.

anyone wanna comment ?? vote ?? lmao sorry
guys y'all should check out margot & the nuclear so & so's . they're rad and my inspiration to get out of bed !! (^:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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