A Dead World

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     You woke in a daze. "Where am I..?" You wondered out loud. You lifted your head up and felt a sharp pain, but instead of laying down again you sat up. You were sitting in the middle of dead flowers. On a couple of them were blood. You lifted your hand up to your head, and surely enough there was blood. You ignored the pain, and got up. You were determined to find Frisk.

     You walked through a big door into an empty room. In the middle of the room was dead grass. "Sure is full of life down here." You said sarcastically to yourself.  You already missed Frisk. "But that's why I'm here," you thought. "To find them." In the next room was finally a change in color, but not a change of mood. There was purple bricks that made up the room and plenty of dead leaves. The whole area was like this. Dead leaves, and things that looked like puzzles. In one room was a shredded up training dummy. "Hope that didn't happen to Frisk." You said.

     Eventually after walking  for a while in the "dead ruins" as you called them you found a little house.
Surprisingly the door was unlocked and you were met with a small scent of pie. You followed your nose and found the kitchen. On the counter was a pie that had only one cut in it. "Well since this place looks abandoned I'll give you a knew home." You told the pie and took the whole thing. You looked in the other rooms of the house and found a kid's room and a bedroom. The normal bedroom had a huge bed that was blue, and at the end of it a desk. You sat the pie down and looked at a diary on the desk. It was just full of puns. You decided this place didn't have much for you, and walked downstairs. The basement was just long hallways, and the end of it a door with dust in front of it. "Weird." You thought, and left.

     You went from being in the warmth of a house into the cold. Unfortunately the pie seemed to be a day old so it didn't give off any heat. It probably was just getting colder like you. Though still way to determined to find Frisk you continued. The land was just snow, dead trees, and random piles of dust. "What the hell is with all the dust?!" You asked. Of course no one was there to reply. You kept walking in the cold for another long while, about as long as the last place, until you made it to a town.

"Welcome to Snowdin!"

     "Dead Snowdin." You thought renaming this place just like you had at the dead ruins. Everything was dead. Well hopefully everything but one person. Frisk. You walked down the empty town while shivering in your spring clothes. You had chosen to wear a loose f/c shirt with a yellow flower on it, jeans, and f/c flip flops. Perfect winter clothes! At the end of the town you saw a figure again. It walked into a town at the very end of the street. Tired of being cold you ran to the house. The door turned out to be locked so you set the pie down and climbed through a window. Then you went back to the front door and got your pie.

     You really didn't care that this was probably someone else's house. It was inside and that's what mattered. You noticed there was an upstairs, but didn't bother to check it out. You were now hungry and tired. "One problem at a time y/n." You told yourself. The kitchen was right across from the entrance so you went in there, found a knife, cut out a slice of pie, took the knife an pie piece, and sat in what you could talk was the living room. After eating the pie you fell asleep on the couch, clutching the knife like it was a teddy bear.

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