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You got up from the couch now, and headed for the kitchen were your pie sat on the counter. Unfortunately for you their wasn't a microwave in the kitchen, and the only other way to heat up the pie was the oven. "I think a cold pie is better than a burning house." You decided, and used your knife to cut out a slice. Despite it being cold at that moment it tasted like the best thing in the world.

After eating you gained the determination to head out again and find Frisk. Wait, no that didn't matter anymore. How the hell did Frisk get themselves killed? How the hell did Frisk kill a whole civilization? Who the hell have them a weapon!? Never Mind It didn't matter. You decided instead of finding Frisk you'd just explore this world instead. Maybe Chara had lied and there was other people. Who knows?

Grabbing your pie you headed back out into the snow. The cold winds immediately grabbed you, and pushed you into a shivering frenzy. It felt way colder than it had been before. It was also snowing harder. "Is this a blizzard?" you wondered. You started to consider going back inside, but knew that if you walked far enough you could get some where that wasn't snowing. So you pulled yourself together, and ran to your left. You didn't even have time to run out of breath before you got there.

This new area was like a giant cave. Wait the whole underground was a giant cave. Either way it had dark blue stone walls, and had a river running through it. Of course there was dust everywhere too. "Nothing unusual for what down here looks like." You said to yourself. The first area you found some sort of stand that had a blue flower next to it. You went to the blue flower and smelled it. It was scentless. "Weird," you thought. "such a pretty flower deserves a pretty scent." Though you shrugged it off, and continued.

After walking for a while you made it into an area that the ground was all boarded. On the wall next to it you saw writing about a war between monsters and humans. "They talk about that down here?" you wondered. Out of all of your school years the only time you had learned about the human and monster war once, and it was for a third of your first semester in 7th grade. Yeah it wasn't the biggest thing you learned in school. 

In the next room there was more wooden boards, but these ones had a bunch of holes in them. It looked like as if someone had just started randomly stabbing the ground. In one of the holes you saw something glitter. Setting down your pie you tried to dig out the glittering object. It hurt your fingertips when you touched it, but  curiosity lead you to figuring out what it was. Well curiosity and sparklyness.

When you got it out it burned your hand. You quickly dropped it out of shock from the pain. You watched as the glowing blue shard hit the ground, and broke Into nothingness. "That was a waste of time." You thought. Your hand had became red from the burn, and stung like hell. Looking around for something to act as a bandage for your hand your eyes landed on the pie. How were you supposed to carry the pie with one of your hands hurt. Unsure of what to do you sat alone on the ground. "Maybe if I wait long enough someone will find me." You thought, but then realized Chara was the only other creature down there.

You decided that you would rather not wait for Chara to find you, and got up. Your best choice of keeping the pie was pushing it along with your foot as you walked. A few minutes later you made it into a new area that just had really tall grass. "Just great my pie will just get a grass frosting." You mumbled, but still pushed your pie through. Somehow when you got out there wasn't any grass on it. Strange. Wait never mind everything was strange down here. In the next room was a table that had cheese that was stuck in a crystal, and to the table was another blue flower. Confused on why the hell there was cheese in a crystal you pushed it off the table. In it's place you carefully set the pie on the table. "There now later I can come back for you." You told it and walked off. The pie hoped you were being truthful. It had once heard of an abandoned quiche, and didn't want to end up the same way.

Soon you made it into an area that was extremely charming in your opinion. The water seemed to glow bright blue, and there were the flowers everywhere. You took your time walking through it and took in as much of the beauty as you could. At the end of that area you were met with another sign about monster history. Going ahead you found a long path that had water on sides of it. It took about a minute to walk through it, and you were just glad that you didn't have to kick the pie through it.

After getting through the hallway you were met with more random places. In one little side path there was a piano, and going ahead on the main path you found a weird statue. After that you found a bucket of umbrellas. You grabbed one with your bad hand, and a bolt of pain surged in your hand. You decided that you didn't need an umbrella instead you focused on finding a bandage. Ahead it was raining, but you took advantage of the puddles by soaking your hand in one. The cool water felt good on the burn. Though as nice as it felt you knew it'd be better to find what made you leave your pie behind.

After walking for a while in the rain you were met with a problem. It had stopped raining which was good, but there was a ledge keeping you from going on. A ledge that rose above you creating a wall. You examined the area, and found another umbrella bucket. You poured out the umbrellas with your good hand, set the bucket upside down next to the wall, and climbed on it and onto the top of the ledge.

As you continue forward you suddenly find a bunch of wooden platforms that had random paths. On these paths you can see more blue shards littered everywhere. Carefully, you walk around the shards until you get into a huge area. There were shards were more scattered, but there was still more than there were on the paths. Foolishly you get impatient, and you become determined to get out of there so you start to run.

At first you were ok until you slipped on one of the boards, and fell right into a pile of shards. You screamed out of pain before struggling to get away. You see were the boards lead to a new area so you slowly get up, and attempt to run again. You really are just an idiot. You slipped again. You fell into another pile, again. "Why the fuck are these things everywhere anyway?" you screamed in your head.

Now covered in burn marks even under your shirt and pants you had to crawl to the end of the boards. After one painful minute you made it to what you had thought had been the entrance to somewhere new, but in it's place broken boards that left a deep drop. All the determination you had now was gone. You collapsed and started to cry. Everything hurt so bad. You just wanted to die at this point. You weren't ever getting home, and there was no Frisk to save so what was your purpose of your existence now?


The rest of the bridge you were on had broken.

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