All but you

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Tiny note: S/t = soul trait

Also I hope you like dialogue.

You slowly started to stir from your sleep. The last thing you remember was your body slamming onto the ground. After that was a huge bolt of pain and then black. Now all of the black started to fade away, and along with light sound started to come back too.

"Az I'm not so sure what to do anymore. I swear it's been probably a week since we got here, and she still hasn't woken up yet. A lot of her wounds have healed, those red marks are mostly gone, And that huge scrape on the back of her head has stopped bleeding. So what is there left for me to do? I've also managed to keep her hydrated. I can't say the same about food, but humans can last a while without that right? I don't know anymore just please help me. All I need is for her to wake up and-"

"Who are you talking to?" You asked once everything had finally cleared up.

Chara, who had been sitting at a table, dropped something out of their hand, ran over, and crouched down in front of you. This is the moment you took more notice of what they looked like. The first thing you noticed was the golden heart locket they were wearing, Their hair almost exactly resembled Frisk's from the color to the bangs. Like you had noticed before their eyes were bright red, and now you noticed how pale they were. It didn't even seem realistic like they were dead or sick. In contrast to their paleness was their pink rosy cheeks. For clothing they were wearing a black tank top, brown shorts, and brown boots. Wait weren't they wearing a sweater last time you saw them?

"Oh thank god you finally woke up!" Chara exclaimed.

"Yeah. But really who were you talking to, and how did I get here? Also how long have I been asleep?" You looked down at yourself for a second. "And why am I wearing your sweater?!"

Chara laughed. "Well that's a lot of questions so where do I start? Let's see who I was talking to doesn't matter, I brought you here, I think you've been out for about a week, and I'll take my sweater back."

"No it's mine now!" You grabbed your shoulders and turned slightly to the side to protect the shirt.

"Ha ha! Fine then you can wear it for now. I'm going to guess you want something to eat?" They asked and stood up.

Suddenly you realized that you felt more hungry than ever. "Fuck yes I do!" You yelled jumping up, only to almost fall.

"Geez you might want to take it a little easy. I'm starting to see how you've fallen down from great heights now. Pie?" Chara walked over to and opened the fridge.

"You have my pie?" You asked.

"I found it by an echo flower that was repeating your voice." They said pulling out the pie.

You cautiously walked over to the table and sat down. Chara seemed to be acting differently than they had been before. For one they were a lot nicer. You were starting to trust them more. If they really wanted to hurt you they wouldn't have helped you, and they certainly wouldn't have let you worn their sweater. All of this started to make you feel bad about thinking of them as a demon.

You snapped out of thought when the sweet smell of pie hit you. Chara placed it on the table, and sat across from you. Not even bothering to cut out a piece you just took a fork and dug in. The first bite caught you off guard when it almost burnt your tongue. How was the pie so hot when it just came out of the fridge? Though you didn't bother asking glad it was just warmer then it had been before.

"Wait did you want some?" You asked Chara with pie already in your mouth.

They giggled. "Nah I'm fine. I ate a bit of it earlier this week."

Chara x reader| Erase them all but youWhere stories live. Discover now